Hi - so I have been using PW and BWD since July and I have had success and I am not doubting it working at all. I just don't know how I should move forward. I had plans to hang out with the guy tonight. He cancelled because he got booked for some things for work ( which happens really frequently) This has stopped us from hanging out multiple times. He said to me today. "Hey I'm getting booked on some shows so I got to cancel. But we need to stop this and it's my fault. I'm wasitjng your time and I'd feel better if we stopped making plans."
I don't know what to do. After he said that I told him he can come over after and he said he doesn't want to leave me hanging but hopefully he will see me later.
The negative part of me wants to think he said that for a way out and to not have to see me ever.
But the positive part of me knows he is the one that makes the plans with me and I know they are legit excuses.
How could I modify PW to fit in with this situation? I want to keep seeing him.