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10/25/2016 4:22 am  #61

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique

Em wrote:

Omg! Amazing! Did you just affirm or use the biokenisis? I never got round to starting this but I sure as hell am now. Great job, girl! You look great!

I did affirmations and visualization only  Thank you ! 

12/08/2016 5:06 am  #62

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique


All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


12/08/2016 11:31 am  #63

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique

So I've been practicing this by using Sapien Med and I actually lost an inch of my waist!

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln 

12/08/2016 3:37 pm  #64

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique

DC wrote:

I saw this today and thought I'd share...

My Evolution ( flawless skin, desired height, drop dead gorgeous looks)
by Karma
Mar 14, 2014
This story is still pending approval on the secret website, meantime I decided it to post it here
I am going to share my amazing story of how I manifested flawless skin, desired height, drop dead gorgeous looks, all of this in a period of 2 to 3 years.
Let me start with my skin, I had very bad skin for the past 14 years, it was oily and full of acne(both on my face on my body), and the acne left very bad scars, really really bad dents on my face. It looked so bad in sunlight. On my 29th birthday I made a resolution that I'm going to use LOA to get everything I desired. I started visualizing and feeling that I have flawless skin, even when I went in public I made myself believe that my skin was better than everyone around me, started drinking a lot of water, taking vitamin capsules and looked at pictures of a Spanish model who had flawless skin (I made his picture as my profile picture on FB). Over a period of 10 months I realized my skin to be 100% flawless, no dents, no scars whatsoever. Even the scar I had since childhood has gone. I have also managed to change my complexion from wheatish brown to fair, now my skin becomes olive green when I tan under the sun instead of brown.
Next I have increased my height, I was 5'7 at the age of 29. I believed myself to be 5'11 when I used to walk around, I even got height elevator insoles for my shoes to make me believe I am tall. I checked my height on my 30th birthday , I was exact 5'10, 3 inches of height increase. I stopped visualizing for 6 months and checked my height again, I was still 5'10. So I started visualizing and believing again, but this time my goal was 6'2. I started believing I am 6'2, then exactly a year later I checked my height and found myself to be 6 and half ft. Today I am 6'1 and very very satisfied with it. I have grown a total of 6 inches in 2 and half years that too after the age of 29!!
Next I have changed the shape of my nose, physique and got rid of my dandruff of 14 years, Now I look exactly like the Spanish model whose pics i used to look at to visualize, I still have his picture as my profile picture on my Facebook and people who have met me in person think its me because I look the same. There was a time when I would walk in a crowd and no one would even notice me, today I have become hard to ignore. People keep staring at me. When I go into a club I get approached by girls and get at least 10 phone numbers when I get home. I even took part in a photo contest on a site, and won the most good looking man of the month. I have started my own FB fan page with a total of 20,000 plus likes and its growing fast. when i post my picture on the page I get more than a 1000 likes and more than 200 comments. I went from being a insecure introvert to a confident gorgeous socialite. I will just give one advice and that is to believe believe believe nothing is impossible!!!!. I am so so so grateful to universe, the secret and My God

This is amazing. So did you do this by using Lanie's books or something else? Also, do you think by using the method you used, can it be able to manifest something like intelligence and street smarts which is what I want? Like also social skills like how to socialize with people and being a good dancer so I can see any kind of dance and do it exactly how I saw it?

12/08/2016 6:00 pm  #65

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique

In theory, LOA works with everything or it's supposed to. I have gotten good results but slow to say the least. So I've asked myself why some subs seem to work quickly while others do not. Why some things are easier to achieve and others are not. It's got more to do with belief than anything else. If you believe that you can change your physical attributes and are not bound by DNA and other things, than the changes seem to come without too much trying.

So, the question I've been asking myself over the last few weeks has been on how to alter my beliefs and if I can in fact achieve changes with belief alone and not using subs or other means.

I'm an avid reader and I've asked the questions to myself trusting that the answers would come. What happened?  There was a book I read about a year or so ago, that I got the urge to read again. I know I read the book before but for some reason, I hadn't been able to assimilate a large chunk of the information previously...I didn't "see" some of the information that was presented. 

Before Abraham, there was Seth. Studies have been done and the conclusion that was drawn was that the channel, Jane Roberts, did not have the capacity to "make up" the information that Seth provided. One of the big criticisms of Abraham is that Abe presents only a small percentage of the information that Seth put out, and Ester Hicks was already following Seth. So the doubters say that she just took a dumbed down version of Seth, and presents it as her own. Regardless, Seth deals with a lot in terms of changing your reality and gives processes for doing so. I've been experimenting with some of his methods that on day 5 today appears to be promising. I'll keep you guys posted as to how far I get with this but i'll post some methods presented by Seth...if you care to try.

Otherwise, I'd say experiment weather you want more street savvy or to dance. It really doesn't hurt to try new things as long as you aren't forcing.

12/08/2016 6:01 pm  #66

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique


Glimpsing probable variations of past events

Take any remembered scene from your own past. Experience it as clearly as possible imaginatively, but with the idea of its probable extensions. Sometime, immediately or after a few tries, a particular portion of the scene will become gray or shadowy. It is not a part of the past that you know, but an intersection point where that past served as an offshoot into a series of probabilities that you did not follow.

Instead of a shadowy element, you yourself may feel unsubstantial - 'ghostly,' as Ruburt did. Instead of any of those things, the imagined dialogue - if there is any - may suddenly change from the dialogue that you remember; or the entire scene and action may quickly alter. Any of these occurrences can be hints that you are beginning to glimpse the probable variations of the particular scene or action. It is, however, the subjective feeling that is the important clue here, and once you experience it there will be no doubt in your mind.

Some people will have little trouble with the exercise, and others will need to exert persistence before finding any success at all. This method is even more effective if you choose from your past a scene in which a choice was involved that was important to you.

In such a case, begin imaginatively, following through with the other decision or decisions that you might have made. At one point a shadowy effect - grayness, or other characteristics just mentioned - will occur. One or several of these may be involved, but again your subjective feeling is the most important clue. Imagination may bring you a clear picture, for example, that may then become fuzzy, and in that case the blurred quality would be your hint of probable action.

Until you have tried the exercise and become fully acquainted with it, you will not understand its effectiveness. You will know, for instance, when the remembered event and imagination intersect with another probability. Whether or not you have any great success, the exercise will begin a neurological reorientation that will be most important if you hope to glimpse realities that are outside of your present neurologically accepted sense-reality.

This exercise is a mental and biological doorway that can expand both your concepts of yourself and reality.
There may be instances in which it seems that little progress is made during the exercise itself. During the day, however, having made an important decision in one direction, you may begin to feel the reality of the opposite decision and its ramifications. The exercise may also result in a different kind of a dream, one that is recognized within the dream state, at least, as an introduction to a probable reality. You deal directly with future probabilities in the dream state in any case. For example, in a series of dreams you may try out various solutions to a given problem, and choose one of these.' That choice becomes your physical reality.

12/08/2016 6:05 pm  #67

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique

From Seth...

Natural Hypnosis

Your reality is the result of a hallucination, if by this you mean that it is only the picture shown by your senses. Physically, of course, your existence is perceived through the senses. In that context corporeal life is an entranced one, with the focus of attention largely concentrated through the senses' belief in the reality of their sensations.

Yet that experience is the image that reality takes for you now, and so in other terms earthly life is one version of reality - not reality in its entirety, but a part of it. It is in itself an avenue through which you perceive what reality is. In order to explore that experience, you direct your attention to it and use all of your other (nonphysical) abilities as corollaries, adjuncts, additions. You hypnotize your very nerves, and the cells within your body, for they will react as you expect them to react, and the beliefs of your conscious mind are followed in degree by all portions of the self down to the smallest atom and molecule. The large events of your life, your interactions with others, including the habitual workings of the most minute physical events within your body - all of this follows your conscious belief.

Again, if you are ill you may say, 'I did not want to be sick,' or if you are poor, 'I did not want to be poor,' or if you are unloved, 'I did not want to be lonely.' Yet for your own reasons you began to believe in illness more than health, in poverty more than abundance, in loneliness rather than affection.

You may have accepted some of these ideas from your parents. Their effects may have surrounded you, or you may have switched beliefs in one particular area of your life; but each can be changed if you utilize the power of action in the present. I am not saying that every one of you must or should be healthy, wealthy and wise. I am only addressing those here now who have effects in their lives with which they are dissatisfied. In one manner of speaking, then, the suggestions you give yourselves constantly operate overall as beliefs that are reflected in your experience.

Some of you are simply mentally lazy. You do not consciously examine the data that you receive. Many who make a practice of 'denying' negative suggestions from others, asserting positive affirmations instead, actually do so because they are so fully convinced that the power of negative beliefs is stronger than that of beneficial ones. Each of you will find habitual thought patterns in your own life backed up by resulting action - conditioned behavior as it were - by which you continually reinforce negative aspects, concentrate upon them to the exclusion of conflicting data, and so bring them into experience through natural hypnosis.
Many people assign great power to a hypnotist, yet whenever you have the undivided attention of another, you act as a hypnotist to a large degree.

Whenever you have your own undivided attention you act as hypnotist and subject simultaneously. You give yourselves post-hypnotic suggestions all the time, particularly when you project present conditions into the future. I want to impress upon you the fact that all of this simplyfollows the natural function of the mind, and to dispel any ideas that you have about the 'magical' aspects of hypnosis.

For five or ten minutes a day at the most, then, use natural hypnosis as a method of accepting desired new beliefs. During that period concentrate your attention as vividly as possible upon one simple statement. Repeat it over and over while focusing upon it for this time. Try to feel the statement in whatever way is possible - that is, do not allow distractions, but if your mind insists upon running about then channel its images in line with your declaration.

The repetition, verbally or mentally, is important because it activates biological patterns and reflects them. Do not strain. This exercise should not be done along with the point of power exercise given earlier. (See the 657th session in Chapter Fifteen.) One should not run into the other, but should be carried out on separate occasions during the day.

During the period, however, do remember that you are using the present as a moment of power to insert new beliefs, and that these will indeed be materialized. When the exercise is finished do not dwell upon it. Put it from your mind. You will have utilized natural hypnosis in a concentrated form. You may have to experiment some for the proper wording of your message, but three days at the very least are necessary before you can tell, through results, how effective it has been. A change of wording may be in order. When you feel right about the statement, then continue it. Your attention should be completely relaxed otherwise, for time is needed. You may experience spectacular results at once. But continue the exercise even if this happens.

Inner channels must become re-patterned. There will be a feel to this that will serve as your own individual guideline. There is no need to continue the practice over ten minutes. In fact, many will find that difficult to do. Spending a longer period of time simply reinforces the idea of problems involved.

12/08/2016 11:06 pm  #68

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique

DC wrote:

From Seth...

Natural Hypnosis

Your reality is the result of a hallucination, if by this you mean that it is only the picture shown by your senses. Physically, of course, your existence is perceived through the senses. In that context corporeal life is an entranced one, with the focus of attention largely concentrated through the senses' belief in the reality of their sensations.

Yet that experience is the image that reality takes for you now, and so in other terms earthly life is one version of reality - not reality in its entirety, but a part of it. It is in itself an avenue through which you perceive what reality is. In order to explore that experience, you direct your attention to it and use all of your other (nonphysical) abilities as corollaries, adjuncts, additions. You hypnotize your very nerves, and the cells within your body, for they will react as you expect them to react, and the beliefs of your conscious mind are followed in degree by all portions of the self down to the smallest atom and molecule. The large events of your life, your interactions with others, including the habitual workings of the most minute physical events within your body - all of this follows your conscious belief.

Again, if you are ill you may say, 'I did not want to be sick,' or if you are poor, 'I did not want to be poor,' or if you are unloved, 'I did not want to be lonely.' Yet for your own reasons you began to believe in illness more than health, in poverty more than abundance, in loneliness rather than affection.

You may have accepted some of these ideas from your parents. Their effects may have surrounded you, or you may have switched beliefs in one particular area of your life; but each can be changed if you utilize the power of action in the present. I am not saying that every one of you must or should be healthy, wealthy and wise. I am only addressing those here now who have effects in their lives with which they are dissatisfied. In one manner of speaking, then, the suggestions you give yourselves constantly operate overall as beliefs that are reflected in your experience.

Some of you are simply mentally lazy. You do not consciously examine the data that you receive. Many who make a practice of 'denying' negative suggestions from others, asserting positive affirmations instead, actually do so because they are so fully convinced that the power of negative beliefs is stronger than that of beneficial ones. Each of you will find habitual thought patterns in your own life backed up by resulting action - conditioned behavior as it were - by which you continually reinforce negative aspects, concentrate upon them to the exclusion of conflicting data, and so bring them into experience through natural hypnosis.
Many people assign great power to a hypnotist, yet whenever you have the undivided attention of another, you act as a hypnotist to a large degree.

Whenever you have your own undivided attention you act as hypnotist and subject simultaneously. You give yourselves post-hypnotic suggestions all the time, particularly when you project present conditions into the future. I want to impress upon you the fact that all of this simplyfollows the natural function of the mind, and to dispel any ideas that you have about the 'magical' aspects of hypnosis.

For five or ten minutes a day at the most, then, use natural hypnosis as a method of accepting desired new beliefs. During that period concentrate your attention as vividly as possible upon one simple statement. Repeat it over and over while focusing upon it for this time. Try to feel the statement in whatever way is possible - that is, do not allow distractions, but if your mind insists upon running about then channel its images in line with your declaration.

The repetition, verbally or mentally, is important because it activates biological patterns and reflects them. Do not strain. This exercise should not be done along with the point of power exercise given earlier. (See the 657th session in Chapter Fifteen.) One should not run into the other, but should be carried out on separate occasions during the day.

During the period, however, do remember that you are using the present as a moment of power to insert new beliefs, and that these will indeed be materialized. When the exercise is finished do not dwell upon it. Put it from your mind. You will have utilized natural hypnosis in a concentrated form. You may have to experiment some for the proper wording of your message, but three days at the very least are necessary before you can tell, through results, how effective it has been. A change of wording may be in order. When you feel right about the statement, then continue it. Your attention should be completely relaxed otherwise, for time is needed. You may experience spectacular results at once. But continue the exercise even if this happens.

Inner channels must become re-patterned. There will be a feel to this that will serve as your own individual guideline. There is no need to continue the practice over ten minutes. In fact, many will find that difficult to do. Spending a longer period of time simply reinforces the idea of problems involved.

So I'll take that as a yes then? That it can manifest intelligence and great dancing skills? Since you said that LOA is works with everything or is suppose to? I just want to know how you go about doing it first. Do you meditate? Use scripting?

12/08/2016 11:30 pm  #69

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique


Try this to start...
Follow the instructions for the video...

All I was trying to say before, was that Seth says that you can change your beliefs, and your reality changes with it. Try affirming "I'm a talented dancer" for 5-10 minutes a day for 30 days and watch the Matrixplay99 video above as prescribed in her instructions. You should see some significant results with the two methods coupled together. I'm doing the same for age reversal the last 5 days, and I can see some vast improvements. Though I have used these methods for physiological changes, I can honestly say that I've never tested them for picking up a new talent.  Try it... If you're happy with the results, apply it to other wants.

12/08/2016 11:50 pm  #70

Re: Can you gain height using Lanie technique

DC wrote:


Try this to start...
Follow the instructions for the video...

All I was trying to say before, was that Seth says that you can change your beliefs, and your reality changes with it. Try affirming "I'm a talented dancer" for 5-10 minutes a day for 30 days and watch the Matrixplay99 video above as prescribed in her instructions. You should see some significant results with the two methods coupled together. I'm doing the same for age reversal the last 5 days, and I can see some vast improvements. Though I have used these methods for physiological changes, I can honestly say that I've never tested them for picking up a new talent. Try it... If you're happy with the results, apply it to other wants.

Are there subliminal messages in the video that could be bad for me when I try to manifest my dancing skills? Lanie talked about that earlier in this thread. And what's age reversal? Is it trying to look younger?

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