Hello my love’s,
I haven’t posted in a while, simply I didn’t know what to post. I don’t want Lanie or you all to think I forgot about you. I thought today.. I should post something, but what… and as I do with many things that I don’t have an answer.. I turn it to the divine… and the answer always comes... Three things came to mind to share.
3 things that brings manifestation:
1. Faith. Believe.. If you find it hard to believe repeat a simple affirmation.. I believe, I know!.. Affirmations repeated brings about belief in the affirmation and once you believe the affirmation things begin to happen. I saw the Radio City Rockets 2 weeks ago. Santa Claus said “IF YOU ONLY WILL BELIEVE AND LEAVE THE HOW TO ME, YOU WILL FIND MAGIC IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK”
2. Become a magnet for your desire… practices what you preach, if you desire love.. Give love.. If you desire relationships value, nurture your existing relationships, if you have a grudge with someone make amends, let it go.. You don’t need to contact the person, send forgiveness, love, and blessings from you to them. Every grudge held, holds you back…its law, what you give you receive.. When you send love and radiate love into the universe, love radiates back to you.. your relationships are also an attraction to men…Men often say women are catty, they stop talking to each other for the simplest shit.. And they think, if you are like that to a fellow female, how you would be with me.. Men get along better than women…Change that..
3.Gratitude. It’s no secret gratitude is the great multiplier… Neville Goddard says the best prayer is THANK YOU FATHER.. Give thanks daily for your desires, give thanks for everything.. After all one should not pray in supplication but appreciation. I say thank you at least 100 times day, and it was THE THING that brought about a shift, shifting from doubt to appreciating, knowing…GRATITUDE WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN AN INSTANCE..
My love to all..xoxo
Last edited by Cheriesymone (12/18/2016 6:59 pm)
We've missed you Cherie! I'm so glad you posted your wisdom for us today. You are always a blessing! :-)
Thank you Cherie
Lanie Stevens wrote:
We've missed you Cherie! I'm so glad you posted your wisdom for us today. You are always a blessing! :-)
Lanie,.. I bought your Orgasm MP3.. I love it.. got me all hot..Thank you