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12/20/2016 10:46 pm  #1


Hello everyone ! I have read in many places that one should not use words such as can't,won't,etc. What's really bugging me is then how can I use a phrase that's positive and equally strong as affirmations to focus on ? For example : my _____ (boy friend's name) can't live without me and is rushing back to get me back in his life ! I have read that d universe cannot understand can't or will not and will only take CAN and WITH into consideration!! If that's so the reason how to make decent statements ? Could anyone please help me out with this ? Also a few statements I am sure which many girls would usually use are :
1. He is unable to stray,he's faithful only to me in all ways
2. He loves only me
3. He cannot live without me in his life he needs me all the time
4. He is so restless without me that he is going to do everything to get me back to him
5. He is not goin to flirt anymore cos he loves only me and is super loyal to only me !

In the above statements a few of them have CANT and WITHOUT I am in a fix as to how do I fix this issue ! Any help is much appreciated! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR TIME AND FEEDBACK IF ANY ! 😊

πŸ˜‡ I AM THAT I AM πŸ˜‡

12/20/2016 11:10 pm  #2


I am queen wrote:

Hello everyone ! I have read in many places that one should not use words such as can't,won't,etc. What's really bugging me is then how can I use a phrase that's positive and equally strong as affirmations to focus on ? For example : my _____ (boy friend's name) can't live without me and is rushing back to get me back in his life ! I have read that d universe cannot understand can't or will not and will only take CAN and WITH into consideration!! If that's so the reason how to make decent statements ? Could anyone please help me out with this ? Also a few statements I am sure which many girls would usually use are :
1. He is unable to stray,he's faithful only to me in all ways
2. He loves only me
3. He cannot live without me in his life he needs me all the time
4. He is so restless without me that he is going to do everything to get me back to him
5. He is not goin to flirt anymore cos he loves only me and is super loyal to only me !

In the above statements a few of them have CANT and WITHOUT I am in a fix as to how do I fix this issue ! Any help is much appreciated! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR TIME AND FEEDBACK IF ANY ! 😊

I'm not really sure if this makes a difference in RS but you should use positive statements if that makes a difference to you, and helps you feel better.  Don't forget that this is about putting you in a better feeling space too..he can say things like...
1. You are the only one I think about
2. You're the only one in my thoughts and dreams
3.  I am the happiest when I think of you or when I'm with you
4.  I feel truly satisfied and loved when I'm with you
5.  I save all my flirting for you
6.  I only feel deeply connected with you
7. I feel like a winner when you are in my arms.
8.  I will always protect the amazing relationship we have together from other women.
9.  I am truly grateful that we share an incredible bond.
10.  I cherish every moment I get to spend with you.
11.  I have been dreaming of a future with you since the moment I met you.
12. I am grateful that we have a strong, trusting, and loyal relationship.
13.  When I see other women, I appreciate being with you that much more.
14. Every time I see another woman, I think about you and how wonderful you are.
Don't forget that when he feels so strongly for you, all others will fade away anyways.

12/21/2016 1:45 am  #3


Don't worry about words. Capture the feelings.

The premise behind not using negative words is that if you say it in a "not" then you are focusing on the unwanted.

As long as you are focused on the want you want and not dwelling on what you don't want then you flourish.

It's easy to get caught up in rules and processes, but the fundamental principle is to create the feeling of what you do want.

12/21/2016 2:39 am  #4


DC wrote:

I am queen wrote:

Hello everyone ! I have read in many places that one should not use words such as can't,won't,etc. What's really bugging me is then how can I use a phrase that's positive and equally strong as affirmations to focus on ? For example : my _____ (boy friend's name) can't live without me and is rushing back to get me back in his life ! I have read that d universe cannot understand can't or will not and will only take CAN and WITH into consideration!! If that's so the reason how to make decent statements ? Could anyone please help me out with this ? Also a few statements I am sure which many girls would usually use are :
1. He is unable to stray,he's faithful only to me in all ways
2. He loves only me
3. He cannot live without me in his life he needs me all the time
4. He is so restless without me that he is going to do everything to get me back to him
5. He is not goin to flirt anymore cos he loves only me and is super loyal to only me !

In the above statements a few of them have CANT and WITHOUT I am in a fix as to how do I fix this issue ! Any help is much appreciated! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR TIME AND FEEDBACK IF ANY ! 😊

I'm not really sure if this makes a difference in RS but you should use positive statements if that makes a difference to you, and helps you feel better.  Don't forget that this is about putting you in a better feeling space too..he can say things like...
1. You are the only one I think about
2. You're the only one in my thoughts and dreams
3.  I am the happiest when I think of you or when I'm with you
4.  I feel truly satisfied and loved when I'm with you
5.  I save all my flirting for you
6.  I only feel deeply connected with you
7. I feel like a winner when you are in my arms.
8.  I will always protect the amazing relationship we have together from other women.
9.  I am truly grateful that we share an incredible bond.
10.  I cherish every moment I get to spend with you.
11.  I have been dreaming of a future with you since the moment I met you.
12. I am grateful that we have a strong, trusting, and loyal relationship.
13.  When I see other women, I appreciate being with you that much more.
14. Every time I see another woman, I think about you and how wonderful you are.
Don't forget that when he feels so strongly for you, all others will fade away anyways.

DC your the bestest !! Thank u so very much for this ! U have probably covered all the points I ever wanted  !! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR THE REPLY BACK !! if in the future u think up of some more short phrases please do come and post them here cos I have the hardest time coming up with these !! 😝 As ui don't think I am too visual Thank you so much !

πŸ˜‡ I AM THAT I AM πŸ˜‡
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12/21/2016 2:48 am  #5


Oasiscalm wrote:

Don't worry about words. Capture the feelings.

The premise behind not using negative words is that if you say it in a "not" then you are focusing on the unwanted.

As long as you are focused on the want you want and not dwelling on what you don't want then you flourish.

It's easy to get caught up in rules and processes, but the fundamental principle is to create the feeling of what you do want.

Hey oasiscalm how have u been ? THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR THE REPLY AND FEEDBACK ! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
Well the thing is they said before goin to sleep keep short phrases and repeat them until u fall asleep !! And the most powerful I feel applicable is "he cannot live without me even for a day ! " but I believe one shouldn't use cannot/can't or without cos these are taken as "can live" and "with" by the subconscious as it has no discriminatory power distinguishing between positive or negative words and will take it as it actually means !! Just before v go to sleep v enter a theta state and in that mode there is not thought no thoughts involved hence I was very worried cos when I looked up the internet almost every sentence is similar to what I thought about ! Example : he is faithful only to me; he cannot surivive without me; he hates other women; he is restless without me; he is unable to concentrate without me in his life; he is unhappy without me in his life; and the thing is this is something like a mantra one has to chant so what DC told works perfectly when I do PW on him but when I have to induce it in my subconscious to believe it to be true and sink it in I need some strong statements ! That's where I need the help!

πŸ˜‡ I AM THAT I AM πŸ˜‡
     β€’Thread Starter

1/09/2017 11:00 am  #6


Maybe I'm wrong, but I seem to remember one of the examples Lanie used that people can say was "I can't live without you". 

Also, I have in the past got two different men to say the exact above words to me, using the pw technique. And they both seemed to strongly and sincerely mean it.

So I would just stick with the original words you feel best with and not worry about it. If it resonates with you, feels true, and stirs up emotion in you, then that's all that matters.

2/14/2017 10:19 am  #7


Beautiful Definitely using some of these beautiful phrases on my man. Love X 

Feel It Real. 

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