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12/27/2016 12:22 am  #1

LoA and Resistance

Do you think someone who is really into LoA would be harder to attract because of resistance on their part?
Because they are able to control their thoughts, I just wondered whether they would more likely block how they are feeling and not accept what thoughts they are having.

Thoughts on this.....anyone.

12/27/2016 1:51 pm  #2

Re: LoA and Resistance

I'm not certain what the answer is, but there are two schools of thought on this...

First is that the one who is more dominant in their practices of law is the strongest and so the situations will yield to his or her own will. But, knowing that the desire is born in you, know that there is some degree of desire in the other person as well. If he was purely uninterested, this desire could not have been strongly born into you. You would have been easily able to let go and forget. The other thing I read in the teachings is that never is a desire in you, without you having the means of achieving it.

The 2nd perspective that is offered is that of the multiverse. There is a version of him, regardless of knowledge of LoA, that will come to you for the perfect relationship you envision.

In either scenario though, you can have exactly what you want.

12/27/2016 5:39 pm  #3

Re: LoA and Resistance

DC - i love this part of what you said: 

"If he was purely uninterested, this desire could not have been strongly born into you. You would have been easily able to let go and forget" 

i've seen some cases where there is desire but exes still go separate ways.  Or the desire is always there from one side more, especially in the first few months of the breakup...
maybe the above point is more in reference to after some time has passed.  

"If the other person didn't desire you, you would be able to let go" - love it.


1/01/2017 12:19 pm  #4

Re: LoA and Resistance

Oh DC this is sooo great. Just today, I'm struggling with feelings of insecurity. Thinking he might not feel the way i feel for him etc. so your answer came as a wonderful reassurance. Could you give me some reference to the theories you mentioned? I find that reading a lot about the law of attraction gives me strength in believing. But depending on the sources you turn to, it can also cause further confusion...

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