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2/01/2017 9:37 am  #1

Fling with someone else - is that okay?

Okay so obviously I still desire to manifest my POI - however, and I don't have disbelief at all. I have complete faith in myself that I will. But last night I had a lil somethin somethin with someone else and I mean there was definitely a strong connection but that doesn't mean I don't love who I am manifesting but I also feel a sense of moving on and while the desire is still there I'm okay if he also doesn't come back if he didn't. Does that make sense? Is that okay??

2/01/2017 10:37 am  #2

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

It is so OK
Go flirt and have a good time while you're doing PW on your POI. And if you fall in love with this new guy it is totally OK too  
Sometimes when we do PW and at the same time do whatever we can to make yourself happy our vibration shifts and we're not attracted to our ex anymore.

2/01/2017 10:39 am  #3

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

I'm definitely still attracted to my ex but who knows. I have no doubt either way he will come around but feels good to be happy either way!

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2/01/2017 12:05 pm  #4

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

I think that if you think its OK then it's ok . The only one that decides that is you. I say if you feel good about it, you should go for it. Personally I wouldn't feel guilty. You can manifest extremely strong connections with multiple people at the same time. The most important thing is how you feel and if you're happy either way then that's awesome.

2/01/2017 12:11 pm  #5

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

Though I did read a few times if you start to let go ( of course still doing my visualizations too) but date other people that they can feel you moving on somehow. Which makes sense and answers my question I had for years "why do they always contact ya when you've moved on like they have some kind of radar?!" Lol! I mean I suppose if that's really the case that would be the thing to explain it! Haha

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2/01/2017 3:27 pm  #6

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

Lulu11 wrote:

Okay so obviously I still desire to manifest my POI - however, and I don't have disbelief at all. I have complete faith in myself that I will. But last night I had a lil somethin somethin with someone else and I mean there was definitely a strong connection but that doesn't mean I don't love who I am manifesting but I also feel a sense of moving on and while the desire is still there I'm okay if he also doesn't come back if he didn't. Does that make sense? Is that okay??

Date as much as you want sweetie it's all about you being on a happy frequency doing things that make you happy and not just waiting for POI so if I were you make sure to continue the techniques regularly with your POI and still go out and have fun!! Things will move faster when your actually having fun sweetheart 💞

2/01/2017 3:28 pm  #7

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

Thank you so much I do feel like I'm on a steady path. I will be a success story and I can't wait to inspire other women in my situation. We are so worth of love and desire.

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2/01/2017 4:08 pm  #8

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

Lulu11 wrote:

Thank you so much I do feel like I'm on a steady path. I will be a success story and I can't wait to inspire other women in my situation. We are so worth of love and desire.

I love your attitude it's wonderful!!😀💞

2/01/2017 6:30 pm  #9

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

It's great that you're feeling good! But you are only using the methods on the POI right??the others are probably attracted due to your overall higher vibe?
Thanks for sharing positivity 😊

2/01/2017 6:37 pm  #10

Re: Fling with someone else - is that okay?

Yes only using it on one person and I am pretty focused and I am sending love with no problem and still feel connected during my visualizations but focus back in on my own life once I'm done and don't forget him but I kinda do at times just so I can make sure I can get my own goals accomplished too. I definitely feel my vibrations have lifted for sure! I'm so happy.

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