This is a horrible thing to do. I have read some of your posts and you come off very mean and cruel. At times you give some really nice sound advice but others seem quite hurtful and that's one of the reasons why I will not post my story on here because of this. No matter if it is a repeat post, a help post or a post that sounds like the person is hysterical we are here to uplift and empower one another and if a post irks your nerves do not comment. Grown women shouldn't behave this way.
I find this really disrespectful and mean spirited, Indigo. There is no call for it--obviously you're really annoyed by these kinds of posts, so don't read them.
I know your point is to remind people that PW works, but this isn't the way to do it. Some of these women are genuinely upset and want support. And if they're new to PW they may just want some encouragement.
So just ignore those posts if they piss you off so much. And don't go out of your way to post a comment that basically mocks people.
Last edited by jellyb (2/11/2017 9:34 am)
I wonder, Indigo, why do these posts make you soooo angry, angry enough to put up such a post. I think ladies before me already summed up how I feel about this rage outburst, so no need to go on about it, but one thing - i read your replies and you do come off as rather curt and snappy anytime a new user comes here with doubts (which as OC pointed out we aaaaaallll had, and still have fron time to time), I would really investigate why other people doubting have such an effect on you, could it be that they reflect something you feel deep down, maybe not always aware of it? My reply is by no means meant to critisize or anything of this sort, I just know from my own experience and from observing other people around me that it is always a case of internal stuff triggered by external, which is pretty much how life works LOL
Oasiscalm wrote:
What was the point of the first part of the post. If those posts are annoying for you don't read them. Don't respond to them. Ignore them. But please don't mock people who for whatever reason are feeling desperate or vulnerable.
I understand the message of the post was to tell others to stop worrying and believe. Which is 100% true. But you lose the sincerity of the message when it based in mocking people.
It's a journey for everyone. If you can find me one person who didn't doubt that PW or LOA was working at some point through their journey then that's great. But the vast majority of people will doubt and will panic.
It's satire. It's not mocking at all. Actually it is based upon some of my own experiences.
You probably should lighten up and not be so uptight about EVERYTHING. Get a sense
of humor. And have a nice day!!!
🤔 A forum that was created to give advice , mocks members who need advice... maybe I'm too empathetic but I just don't find the humor in making fun of people. Yes, some situations may not seem that serious to you, and yep the questions get repetitive but sometimes it's difficult to think logically when you're hurt. That's pretty much the reason we are here 😅 to help people make better choices .
There's a way to be honest with people without being hurtful and tearing them down.
(Or telling them their situation is unimportant , because you don't personally find it interesting.) That's probably the reason we have so many guests lurking the forum.. Who wants to get their questions dismissed because you've heard it all before? 😅
Indigo wrote:
Last Saturday night my man left me after we had a really big fight about what kind of mustard I put on his
hotdog and now he is with another woman. I know that she's smarter and better than me because she
lives in a bigger house, drives a newer car, has nicer clothes, shoes and jewelry. She's prettier than me
and she wears her makeup better, has nicer nails and her hair is longer. And she has bigger boobs.
I know all this because I saw it all on FaceBook. I don't know what I'm going to dooooooo!!!
When he said he was leaving I became hysterical. I hollered at him begging and pleading for him not to go.
I told him I can't live without him. After he drove off I chased his car for three whole blocks until my shoes
fell off and I couldn't run anymore. I was anxious and desperate and I thought I was going to faint. I texted
him 29 times but he won't text me back. I'm so lost because he's my entire everything.
I've done PW six times a day for 2 ½ days and it's JUST NOT WORKING. I don't know if I should do it with
my eyes open or closed, or if I should do it laying down or sitting up. Should I light a candle? What about
incense? What kind? Sandalwood? Patchouli? Should I light it with a lighter or a match? I just don't know
if I'm doing it right. How can I make it work faster because I need him to come back to me right away.
I looked on his FaceBook and the two of them are all booed up kissing. I think they are on a cruise. I know
she's giving him better sex than me because she's just sexier. I'm so mousy, plain and my boobs are tiny.
I think that he is going to live happily ever after with her and forget all about me. Somebody please tell me
how to make him leave her and come back. HEEEEELP!!!
=19.5pxI want to help you and hope you will see this as funny!
This advice will help you if you will just follow it:
Read Lanie's books and do the meditations. The reason it doesn't work for you is because you don't think
it's working. Stop worrying about it. Just keep meditating and visualizing the way she says. Let your
subconcious mind do what it does.
Stop chasing him. He will come back when you stop doing foolishness like calling his mother, kidnapping
his dog, befriending his sister, hanging with his friends, doing drive-bys, stalking his FaceBook and all your
other nonsense. Take control and stop giving him the upper-hand. Crying, begging, pleading, threatening,
and all of that does not work.
Don't mope around in your pajamas with your hair in knots because you haven't showered for the past three
days. Would you really want him to see you this way? Get yourself together no matter how sad you feel.
Life goes on. Do something new. Enroll in community college. Get a hobby. Do your nails. Take bubble
baths. Get some positive affirmations. Talk to other dudes.
Always look your best in case you run into him. Plus it inflates your self-confidence when you know that
you look good. You don't need the world's most expensive clothes. Work with what you've got and do the
best you can.
But most importantly, stop being negative about yourself and have faith.
PW works if you will just let it.
LOL I got a report from someone on this post because they thought someone was spamming the forum. I am going to defend your post because I can see that many members are upset, but I personally think your post is funny. It is not undermining anyone when you create a post that takes a lot of the things that are written and put a touch of humor in.
While I realize that breakups and emotional upsets with partners is upsetting, it is also good to keep positive vibes and feelings alive AND you do this by looking at the funny side of what you are doing. I am the first to laugh at myself and some of the silly things I have done in past relationships. I mean I stabbed all of my fiance's clothes BEFORE throwing them in the trash when I was upset with him. I made John's testicles hurt for 6 months by visualizing it, and although I wouldn't do it again, I certainly don't regret it. A psychologist set fire to all of his wife's clothes and stated "I counsel people and know better but couldn't control my own self." John stalked me for what seemed like forever and one time at 2 AM he was hiding behind a bush the size of a small ficus tree. Then he chased my car like a total, complete fool. He looked like the Pink Panther movies where he would run from bush to bush dashing across the street like I couldn't see him. We all do things that are silly and counterproductive when it comes to love. Let's not take things too seriously.
I'm sorry if members do not like the post but I hope you can read it and realize "OMG I've done that, am doing that or can visualize it" and allow it to put a smile on your face. If for no other reason than because when you are happy, laughing or positive you raise your energetic vibration to resonate with positive things happening in your life! xoxoxoxo
Last edited by Lanie Stevens (2/11/2017 2:26 pm)
I guess I'm missing something in all this then, because I still don't view it as funny or as satire,unfortunately. And I'm not humorless or overly sensitive in general. All I know is that when people are very upset and heartbroken, they don't often think clearly and they want help. I understand that it's tiring and frustrating to see these types of posts from new members but taking the piss and then saying "Ugh! Please. Just. Stop. If I read one more post like this I am going to Smash. My. Computer" is not especially supportive or kind, no matter how helpful the rest of the comment is.
jellyb wrote:
I guess I'm missing something in all this then, because I still don't view it as funny or as satire,unfortunately. And I'm not humorless or overly sensitive in general. All I know is that when people are very upset and heartbroken, they don't often think clearly and they want help. I understand that it's tiring and frustrating to see these types of posts from new members but taking the piss and then saying "Ugh! Please. Just. Stop. If I read one more post like this I am going to Smash. My. Computer" is not especially supportive or kind, no matter how helpful the rest of the comment is.
It wasn't even directed at new members. But I'll take your critique
into consideration next time I make a post. Have a nice day!
I have behave like this before. Sad and shameful.
Didn't know Lanie thecnique when I act just like this.
Anyway this post is the message and nothing to offend anyone I believe.