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2/12/2017 2:11 pm  #1

He messaged

So He messaged me this week. His message was kind of weird and sexual. But is it bad if I ask him if he wants to do something?

2/12/2017 2:16 pm  #2

Re: He messaged

By all means reply but I would say if it's too weird or it's a booty call, then don't reply. You deserve more than that, darling

2/12/2017 2:30 pm  #3

Re: He messaged

I replied and brushed it off. Should I wait for him to message me to do something?

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2/12/2017 2:38 pm  #4

Re: He messaged

I don't know what the texts were about, but I would wait for him to reply. That's only me

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