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2/21/2017 8:39 am  #1

Let's talk about: Faith.

I was watching “Practical Magic” last night and in the movie Sandra Bullock says, “Things only have power if you believe they do.” and it’s so true. We know these techniques work, it's fact. Yet so many people continuously lack that faith.

Let me be brutally honest right now -
If you don’t have faith in what you’re doing, you will never succeed. If you doubt the techniques, you will never succeed. 

You see, when you say things like:
• It’s not effecting them.
 It’s not working.
 They don’t feel it/think of me/etc.
 This and that isn’t happening.
 They haven’t reached out.
 I’m not doing this right.

Or when you feel things like:

Then all those things in the above list will come true and keep showing up in your life. Simply because you give them that belief and power. You put all your energy and focus on them so therefore - they continue to show up and manifest.

That’s because all of these things hold energy, frequencies and vibrations that pull you downward. Now if you think something doubtful and immediately say afterwards, “It’s okay that I thought that because it doesn’t have power in my life and I won’t give it any emotion.” and you decide to do something that will boost your vibration and focus on the good then all is well.

If you spent more time living in abundance and being grateful for the little things, you would not have the time or energy to mope around on other things. This is why so many of us recommend you buy a journal or find somewhere to write all the things you’re grateful for every day. They can be small or big things, people in your life, etc.

I’ve heard some people argue “Well, thoughts don’t become things because feelings do.” 
Thoughts create feelings. 
So therefore thoughts = feelings = the power and energy to manifest. GOOD AND BAD.
It doesn’t matter if you “didn’t want that to happen” - if you obsessed over it and gave it that energy and emotion then you gave it power.

No one can manifest for you. 
No one can have faith for you.
No one can do the techniques for you.

We can sit here and tell you what to do and repeat ourselves until we’re blue in the face.
But if it’s in one ear and out the other with you - then nothing we say will help.

You need to do it for you and if you refuse to then you’re going to stay in the little hole of hopelessness that you’re in. Not only are you going to stay in there, you’re going to dig yourself deeper and deeper.

There are so many useful threads on this forum that can help anyone and everyone. Threads that are not difficult to find at all. It’s simple laziness, to put it straight, if you think that no one here is helping. It’s also crazy to me how there are SO many success stories posted here as well as scientific information and journals online explaining the subconscious mind that anyone would continue to doubt the techniques.

The recipe is simple. Real simple.
The ingredients are:
• The techniques.
• Faith.
• Belief.
• A high vibration.

I shared a bunch of resources here for all of you to utilise. Resources that touch on all of the ingredients to the recipe above.
Not only that, but there are pinned threads such as this one that has a bunch of resources Oasis took the time to post. 

It's time to get up, stop being desperate and lost and help yourselves.
You have all the tools you need - use them. No one else can do it for you.

Remember this song and play it every day if you need to.

Last edited by Blue (2/21/2017 8:48 am)


2/21/2017 8:56 am  #2

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

Thank you Blue.

2/21/2017 3:52 pm  #3

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

Excellent post 👏

2/21/2017 4:37 pm  #4

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

Mic drop 👍🏾👍🏾👏👏

2/21/2017 7:03 pm  #5

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

True that

2/21/2017 8:01 pm  #6

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

Awesome Post Blue!
​The truth is that the LOA and manifesting is SIMPLE but its not easy and that is largely because of how our brains have been programmed over many years to believe certain things. But if we all take the time and effort into re-programming our minds, have 100% faith and belief that the techniques work then that's when the magic happens!

2/21/2017 8:30 pm  #7

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

This is a very good post! =)

2/21/2017 9:24 pm  #8

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

Love this!, thank you Blue for your wonderful posts

2/21/2017 10:07 pm  #9

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

Thanks Blue.

I truly hope the members read and absorb and apply the wisdom in this message. It is not the first time for this to be shared, but you have written it very eloquently so hopefully people will accept it readily.

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


2/22/2017 12:28 am  #10

Re: Let's talk about: Faith.

I agree with you on a lot of this Blue, but a lot of scientific information in studies proving this? Not even sort of. That's a HUGE stretch and blatant lie to say. I appreciate the post but please leave out lies. One lie can dissuade an individual from believing or even reading your posts, let alone believe in the LoA.

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