Hi, you might have seen the few posts I've made over the last couple of weeks or so.
Just had an email from the friend of the guy I am aiming to connect with to say that he's in hospital and will be for the next couple of weeks. I'm aware he had been ill but not like this. It sounds as if he will be as OK as can be and will be out, and we will meet up after then. But I feel quite upset and don't want to bring my vibration down by this - and certainly not his.
When I've been doing my visualisations it has been so real and immediate, but it was him as I remembered him - haven't seen him for a long time.
Don't know how to handle this at the moment. Can anyone advise me please? I want to continue visualising. but how in these circumstances? Thanks. Sorry I am in a bit of shock.
I'm sorry to hear he's ill, being in the hospital for a few weeks sounds pretty bad but I'm glad he'll be OK.
Visualize him as being completely recovered, maybe do PW and have him say "I feel great now" or something like that? And remind yourself that he will be fine. It's okay to be worried but also remember this is temporary and he'll be fine.
I'm very sorry to hear about this 💛.
(I don't know what you believe in but praying for him sounds like a really good thing to do...) as for the technique, visualize your friend telling you he's ok, visualize him calling you saying he's feeling better or...visualize from the end, at your meet-up. Because this seems like a serious matter, honestly, it's ok to take breaks from this and collect yourself if you need to.
Claire_Bear wrote:
Hi, you might have seen the few posts I've made over the last couple of weeks or so.
Just had an email from the friend of the guy I am aiming to connect with to say that he's in hospital and will be for the next couple of weeks. I'm aware he had been ill but not like this. It sounds as if he will be as OK as can be and will be out, and we will meet up after then. But I feel quite upset and don't want to bring my vibration down by this - and certainly not his.
When I've been doing my visualisations it has been so real and immediate, but it was him as I remembered him - haven't seen him for a long time.
Don't know how to handle this at the moment. Can anyone advise me please? I want to continue visualising. but how in these circumstances? Thanks. Sorry I am in a bit of shock.
Claire - I am going to be blunt. I can't predict the future but you know the severity of your man's
condition. Maybe he will recover from this setback and maybe not. If you want to see him in
this lifetime, you might consider making your way towards his direction in the very near future.
You can continue to meditate and visualize but it is time to take real action.
Claire_Bear wrote:
Hi, you might have seen the few posts I've made over the last couple of weeks or so.
Just had an email from the friend of the guy I am aiming to connect with to say that he's in hospital and will be for the next couple of weeks. I'm aware he had been ill but not like this. It sounds as if he will be as OK as can be and will be out, and we will meet up after then. But I feel quite upset and don't want to bring my vibration down by this - and certainly not his.
When I've been doing my visualisations it has been so real and immediate, but it was him as I remembered him - haven't seen him for a long time.
Don't know how to handle this at the moment. Can anyone advise me please? I want to continue visualising. but how in these circumstances? Thanks. Sorry I am in a bit of shock.
Hi CB how are you? I hope your guy has recovered since this last post.
Thanks Emmiline! I'm doing OK and life in general is good. With regard to L - I was actually considering should I ring him tonight or not. In the end I haven't because I was exhausted when I got in from work and fell asleep for two hours and it's late now.
We haven't met up and I haven't been in contact obviously because of the hospital thing (other than me and my "inspired action" one lunchtime going to Paperchase and sending him a card via his friend but which is still sitting in his mate's office! I couldn't just show up at the hospital, I thought it inappropriate, and he is 90 miles away anyway) but I know that we will. I know he's been writing new stuff as well because his mate has been uploading it all to YouTube and commented on Facebook. I've been listening and been impressed - some of the lyrics say that he is looking for the perfect girlfriend, ha ha!
I still do the visualisations (though not as often because I am so tired with work I fall asleep, despite all good intentions!) I am keeping the faith, keeping positive and I know this story has a way to go.
Last edited by Claire_Bear (3/21/2017 5:45 pm)
It's lovely to hear from you!
Wow i think i know where the inspiration for new material is coming from (wink)
Staying positive is the way to go, and its always best to do the technique when you feel you are able to, so dont stress about it if you're too tired.
Thanks for catching us up, i really hope your card makes its way out of L's mate's office soon
Claire_Bear wrote:
Hi, you might have seen the few posts I've made over the last couple of weeks or so.
Just had an email from the friend of the guy I am aiming to connect with to say that he's in hospital and will be for the next couple of weeks. I'm aware he had been ill but not like this. It sounds as if he will be as OK as can be and will be out, and we will meet up after then. But I feel quite upset and don't want to bring my vibration down by this - and certainly not his.
When I've been doing my visualisations it has been so real and immediate, but it was him as I remembered him - haven't seen him for a long time.
Don't know how to handle this at the moment. Can anyone advise me please? I want to continue visualising. but how in these circumstances? Thanks. Sorry I am in a bit of shock.
Sweetie I am so sorry to hear the bad news. Rather than connecting with him during PW I would just see him surrounded in golden healing light and recovering completely. It may drain your energy to connect with him so if you're feeling more tired than usual it could be the reason. In fact, I would use the cutting the cord meditation until he is better. You can continue using PW if you're like but right now him healing and you keeping your vibration up is the priority. xoxoxoxoxoxo