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2/25/2017 6:46 pm  #21

Re: Ho'oponopono

yeah me too. hey I have also listening to the Ho'opono opno  I thinks that's how its spelled. Im doing that along with my PW/BURN meditations

2/26/2017 10:08 am  #22

Re: Ho'oponopono

when doing ho'oponopono, do we say the words addressed to the Divine, or addressed to the person of interest? i have read conflicting instructions from different websites. please advise.

2/26/2017 10:37 am  #23

Re: Ho'oponopono

i think you are supposed to think of the POI. At least that's what I do

2/26/2017 12:31 pm  #24

Re: Ho'oponopono

When I have done it I have myself in mind. Therefore "I love you" that is me, I love myself. "I am sorry" that is me sorry for e.g, the negativity I had in our relationship. "Please forgive me" because e.g. I was the one that broke up the relationship. "Thank you". This is done with the POI in mind or whilst looking at their photo.

This is just one way of doing it that I found on the Internet.

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