The fact that this became a spin off topic is pretty disgusting itself. It's funny, for a forum that is about empowering women there's a lot of hateful people on here.
Peach already said that her man's marriage was in trouble way before she stepped in the picture and that they only got together when the divorce was finalised.
If anyone should be angry, it's her. But seeing how she responded to Indigo jumping down her throat the first time - she doesn't care. She knows the true story, we don't. So let's leave it at that and move on.
Indigo wrote:
Is there a rule about practicing PW on a married man who is not your husband?
If so, is it an actual written rule or just an understood rule (bad karma)?
Are there exceptions?
Please elaborate.
There is no rule because it does work on everyone -- whether they are single and available or married. In fact, Neville Goddard was married when he met the woman he would marry and be with until he died. The woman pursued him by using the LOA technique and when he got his divorce he and his ex-wife remained friendly. I believe that if someone is truly in a happy relationship they would not be influenced to leave their mate by PW, BWD or any other method. But, that is just my belief because no one really knows for sure.
Isn't marriage a man made institution to stroke the human ego? Because us humans have an ego and they want to own the person they are with, they want that person to belong only to them. That ego creates issues if we share the partner. We are raised to have this in personalities. But we aren't exactly monogamous now, are we? We still get wet and hard when we see other humans while having a serious relationship.
Everything and anything is possible in LOA. So what is the harm we imagine everyone happy? If we imagine that the person with whom the married target is, is happy and perfectly fine with the dissolution of the marriage? If we imagine that the dissolution has taken place with peace (without custody battles, false accusations, etc)? Does it seem that impossible? Let's take the freedom of India for example. Now I am not a patriot. But India was the only country in the world to win it's freedom without a war and if I am not wrong then Mountbatten was the last viceroy after the independence. It's not a joke to win the independence of an entire nation without a war. Nothing is impossible. If this can happen then why can't a new relationship begin without a heartbreak?
We aren't suppose to cause hurt and pain to other people using LOA. Then why imagine the traditional situation when a relationship has to be started with someone who is already with another human? What is wrong if we visualise everyone happy with the changes? We aren't visualising anyone hurt and upset.
Anyhow, I think this thread was purposefully started to make someone who manifested a married person look very bad. Perhaps Indigo couldn't tolerate that nobody opposed PeachCheeks for manifesting a married person. I think she started this thread on purpose to make PeachCheeks look bad and/or to make others think that they are bad , horrible people for cheering her knowing her target was married and/or to simply cause a conflict here. Perhaps she was mocking everyone for cheering her. Are we going to keep fighting? And anyhow, I don't see anything wrong with staying away from a sexually abusive partner and keeping kids away from her. Good for the man and good for the little child. PechCheeks and her man had the guts to go against the traditional factors and save and protect the child. The courage these had is something most people don't have. It's very uncommon. It's nearly impossible to prove that a woman can be sexually abusive let alone save a child from her claws.
Even though I am glad that this question was raised, are we going to fight knowing this thread was started by someone who thinks saving, rescuing an innocent little child from a malignant, sick minded, disgusting, sexual offender just because they are biologically connected? We can deal with this without a fight.
Any jackass and jenyass can give birth. It's raising a child right that matters a lot more. A person who raises a child with all the love, respect a child deserves is a lot more superior than someone who gives a birth. And who in the right state of mind will want to have a family with someone who sexually assaults a little child? And more than that, who in the right mind thinks that it is completely okay to keep a child with a crackhead or a sexual assaulter just because the pedophile gave birth? So let's stop fighting.
Indigo wrote:
Is there a rule about practicing PW on a married man who is not your husband?
If so, is it an actual written rule or just an understood rule (bad karma)?
Are there exceptions?
Please elaborate.
Bad karma? So it's a bad karma to Pw a married person and it's a bad karma to save a child from abuse as well.
Are there exceptions you ask. Are there exceptions where child should be separated (saved in some cases) from a mother?
Verbal, emotional, physical, sexual abuses are something children do not deserve. Saying that a slap or two is okay or calling a child stupid is okay is something ignorants do as they don't know the impact of abuse.
According to you a child shouldn't be separated from a mother even if she is a crackhead or a pedophile and you are asking about karma? You are the one questioning if it is alright to PW a married person? Are you for real? Are you really 50 years old? Because it seems to me from your posts you have a maturity of a 13 years old kid.
Not only that but it was a nice success story showing anything is possible and people were happy to read a wonderful success story here after so long and you tried to fuck that up too by your negativity and your delusional nonsense.
Avaelle wrote:
I am queen wrote:
Avaelle wrote:
I'm not so bothered by the moral part, I'm simply stating my opinion like anyone else. It is also unclear how you're able to measure how strongly I believe in Karma or anything else for that matter.Well I think it's pretty clear to not just me but everyone else around here cos ur posts almost every single one of them has u speaking about Karma and advocating it,that is how I am "able to measure how strongly u believe in karma" starting from ur very first post !!π (Hope that answers ur question as to y I felt u were strongly a believer in karma)u were bothered about the moral part which is why in the first post u said that only rule is karma would hit eventually,so by now stating ur not bothered about the moral part ur contradicting ur earlier statements πWhat I am trying to say is I too was a believer in that term and now I don't and cos I was a past believer I wanted to tell u that it's true only if u believe or give power to ur thoughts and believe in that system ! If one doesn't it has no power ! π And yes everyone has the right to express and give their opinions here as it's a forum for all ! ππ
You're a liar. I post fairly frequently here as well as other forums and the majority of my posts are not of me speaking about Karma or advocating it. The fact of the matter is that this topic is a spin off topic about a post of a woman pursuing a married man using PW and being in a relationship with him. Do you know what I had to say to her? I thanked her for sharing her tips and I let her know that I enjoyed her story. So please, explain to me how it is ever so obvious that I feel so strongly about Karma. This is a topic about Karma and I provided my knowledge and opinion on it and left it there.
As for the moral part, again I wasn't "so bothered" by it. Posting a comment I made about my opinion on how I feel morally isn't evidence that I'm "so bothered". I'm not in the inbox of any of these women that are pursuing married men and telling them how wrong they are or anything. I feel that abortions are morally wrong which is my opinion , that doesn't mean I'm "so bothered" by the idea of people getting them. I drive by abortion clinics each day and I don't make the protest posters.
You have mentioned about karma in this very thread. And aren't you interfering by consciously using LOA? Then is that not a bad karma when you are knowingly trying gain something by using such methods? Is not bad karma to consciously use remote influence on any other human ? Is it less bad of a karma to consciously do this on someone who is single? Or who is rebounding? And why on earth is it so bad to do this on a married man and somewhat okay to do this on someone who is with someone without a marriage? Marriage is just a man made thing. It's papers and stamps. Just because people aren't married doesn't mean they are not as in love as married people or their relationship is not as valuable as the married relationships. We have noticed here on forum that some women were trying PW to manifest men who were in relationship with some one else. Nobody raised a question at that time. But just because somebody has a registered a relationship on paper makes it worse? Suddenly there is bad karma if the target follows some religious rituals? And no bad karma if target still has same level of feelings for someone without the religious ritual?
Marriage is man made. I don't think it's is a bad karma if somebody tries to manifest someone who did this man made act. If it's alright to manifest a person who is yet to do this so called great man made act then it is alright to do it if the target follows this act. There is a difference in karma and LOA and God. They aren't one and the same. If karma is not BS then how come it's not applicable when people who try and get unmarried taken targets? How is it not applicable when people consciously use PW and LOA to manifest a person?
Avaelle wrote:
I've always viewed karma as a term applied to things that fall under LOA. You will get what you put out, the pain you assist with causing the other woman. I place the blame on the man and woman. Yes, the man makes the promises. However, it a man is lying to some other woman to be with you, I'm not sure what can be expected. I don't know any woman that has ridden off into the happy sunset after stealing a man
"Assisting" with causing pain to the married woman? Really? What's the fault of the woman when the married man himself had no respect for his relationship and his wife? If he has respect for his relationship then why would he make himself available to be used by other women? He should be the one backing off. He makes the choice. Nobody "steals" humans. He makes the promises then it's his job to keep them too. It's not the responsibility of the rest of the world. If the bad karma has to come then it should come to the married man as he is the one who chooses whether or not to disrespect the relationship. If you have to say that the karma is applicable to the woman who tries to get a married man then how come it's usually the married people who leave their marriages for other people end up sad? How come it's usually the "stolen" person who weeps a lot more?
I don't believe every shit media spits out but let's assume media says anything true. How come Brad Pitt is in more trouble now than Angelina Jolie?
Lanie Stevens wrote:
There is no rule because it does work on everyone -- whether they are single and available or married. In fact, Neville Goddard was married when he met the woman he would marry and be with until he died. The woman pursued him by using the LOA technique and when he got his divorce he and his ex-wife remained friendly. I believe that if someone is truly in a happy relationship they would not be influenced to leave their mate by PW, BWD or any other method. But, that is just my belief because no one really knows for sure.
Guy I did it on is (or was, I don't know for sure if they're still together) in a happy realtionship, but things between them started to change after 2 months of me using BWD.
Blue wrote:
The fact that this became a spin off topic is pretty disgusting itself. It's funny, for a forum that is about empowering women there's a lot of hateful people on here.
Peach already said that her man's marriage was in trouble way before she stepped in the picture and that they only got together when the divorce was finalised.
If anyone should be angry, it's her. But seeing how she responded to Indigo jumping down her throat the first time - she doesn't care. She knows the true story, we don't. So let's leave it at that and move on.
It's a shame this thread has gone on for so long.
No one on here is judge and jury for anyone else.
We live in a system of cause and effect. Nature is based on cause and effect. How karma fits into that has be speculated on from the beginning of man. Karma is not a LOA concept. It's a spiritual concept which underlies all religions and spiritual beliefs. However what no one can agree on is how the karma is reflected back to you.
The back and forth about karma is a fruitless task. People on this thread are arguing about the karma of dating a married man. Well what's the karma a serial killer faces (and jail time is not karma)? People who do heinous crimes what is their karma?
If someone was to enter into a relationship with a married person and that person then cheated on them, personally I would not call it karma. From an LOA perspective I would conclude they attracted the situation to themself likely through their own fears that he would repeat the behaviour or from having a vibration of lack in regards to situations.
Avaelle wrote:
Pursuing men that are taken are against my own moral rules. From my understanding PW would work on taken men and the only rule or guarantee is that the karma would hit eventually. I think it would attract a cheating man for sure.
This is just not how karma works. If karma has to hit then it hits the married person who leaves. Why on earth are cheaters not held responsible for their actions? It's Why are they not bashed and told about karma? Why is always the other man or other woman blamed completely and considered as a bad person? Is cheating not bad? You give bad you get bad, right? Cheating on someone is bad and hence the cheater is giving out bad and hence the cheater will get the bad. I don't think you understand karma at all. And others are trying to explain it as well.
Last edited by Aphrodite11 (3/10/2017 4:15 am)
It's not a karma if a serial killer does time for killing.
Okay here is what I can say.
Karma is when you get "exactly" what you give.
I believe in rebirth. We are born again. You don't really die you change the biological matter.
If you notice, there was a time in India when Hindu women were burnt alive if her husband died. This was ages ago. After the independence, till few years ago Indian women, mostly hindus were burnt alive for dowry. The history was repeated. Someone was burnt alive back then and then this time the people who burnt them were burnt. Not only that, so many people were burnt alive for witchcraft. The same has come back
It has to be exactly the same.
If you notice the serial killer situation, it is also something manifested from past births. There is a reason why serial killers have no conscience. Do you think some one with conscience can kill like that? No. The conscience has to die for that. The abuse a serial killer suffers makes him / her emotionless. Where did the abuse come from? He/she must have been abuser in past births. The victims must have been killers in past births and need to die. And hence it fits. Killer gets abused to pay for the abuse he did in past births, becomes emotionless and sick minded and ends up killing the people who were themselves killers in the past births.
Now that's karma.
But yes it can be changed. It will change if we change our thinking. If you forgive someone now, then the history won't repeat itself.
People being tortured and killed isn't something new. It has been happening since ages. It has been happening since a long long long time. The people who tortured ended up become the victims next time.
If you see Quran, it says sure you can have a revenge but it has to be exactly same. You can slap someone who slapped you but you have to use same number of fingers, same cheek, same speed, same velocity, same force and it should have the same effect. Can this be done all the time? Hence it says go a step ahead and forgive.
You forgive and don't take the pain and there won't be a karma. Why visualise anyone in pain. We are raised to believe that people get hurt in situations of taken people and hence we end up seeing them hurt, we visualise it. What's wrong with visualising them happy?