More of this success stories please! I can feel the love and happiness! Thank you for the inspiration
unicornsnrainbows wrote:
duvetwitch wrote:
Just to let you all know that Lanie is correct. I am a real person, no hoax. I am not posting anywhere else. I'm not selling anything or proposing to write my own book! I would just add to read Lanie's stuff and follow the technique. I can say it works as I write this from my boyfriend's bed while he makes food! (And we are still sticking to no sex, still his idea but I know it would be something I would implement as I am following Lanie's instructions as laid out).
Oh, and yesterday he said on Valentine's Day he was fighting himself not to contact me, the urge was very strong, which must be about a day or two after I started the PW.
I'm going to lay off BWD for a while as we have agreed to no sex and it would make that too difficult to maintain. It's also part of his therapy programme so I will respect that processHa--I figured you were real...but I guess you never know.
So happy that things are going well so far. I'm curious--what did you do in your PW sessions? Were there any things you had him say to you, that he's now said and/or done in physical reality?
So to answer this. It's not so much the specifics of what he said, but the general tone of it all. During PW he said:
I miss you (said)
I love you (said)
Marry me. (will be said soon)
There were other things in the mix at different times. For example, early on I wanted him to feel a lot better in himself, so he said things like:
'I'm feeling much better, I've moved on a lot in myself'. (he has not really said this - but it is VERY clear in his actions, how he is and what he has been doing for himself in our time apart).
Then I read some stuff from some of the girls on this forum and decided him feeling better should not be my focus, so I mainly stopped that.
I did also have him say he had withdrawn from a friendship with a female friend who I had not met and I was NEVER comfortable with their relationship (although it was never sexual). So I had him say:
'I cannot even see X'
Over the weekend we spoke about X and he has not seen her for weeks and weeks, and they have not been in touch at all. They used to be in touch pretty much every day by text/whatsapp or email. He said he is totally fed up with her, she is flaky and he cannot be bothered with her anymore........
In PW he said
'I cannot think of anyone else but you'.
He was not able to even date another woman, not a single date.
In PW I told him I was going to date other men and he would lose me if he didn't pull his finger out. He told me over the weekend that he was terrified to contact me because he was convinced that I was seeing someone else. (I only went on a handful of first dates - they were all nice guys but not for me!!)
He also said he had been looking for any excuse to contact me, but was fighting himself about it.
But as I said it is more the overall tone. It was the feeling more than the words. I think you have to really feel the PW. Sometimes he was saying things without me saying them.
duvetwitch wrote:
unicornsnrainbows wrote:
duvetwitch wrote:
Just to let you all know that Lanie is correct. I am a real person, no hoax. I am not posting anywhere else. I'm not selling anything or proposing to write my own book! I would just add to read Lanie's stuff and follow the technique. I can say it works as I write this from my boyfriend's bed while he makes food! (And we are still sticking to no sex, still his idea but I know it would be something I would implement as I am following Lanie's instructions as laid out).
Oh, and yesterday he said on Valentine's Day he was fighting himself not to contact me, the urge was very strong, which must be about a day or two after I started the PW.
I'm going to lay off BWD for a while as we have agreed to no sex and it would make that too difficult to maintain. It's also part of his therapy programme so I will respect that processHa--I figured you were real...but I guess you never know.
So happy that things are going well so far. I'm curious--what did you do in your PW sessions? Were there any things you had him say to you, that he's now said and/or done in physical reality?
So to answer this. It's not so much the specifics of what he said, but the general tone of it all. During PW he said:
I miss you (said)
I love you (said)
Marry me. (will be said soon)
There were other things in the mix at different times. For example, early on I wanted him to feel a lot better in himself, so he said things like:
'I'm feeling much better, I've moved on a lot in myself'. (he has not really said this - but it is VERY clear in his actions, how he is and what he has been doing for himself in our time apart).
Then I read some stuff from some of the girls on this forum and decided him feeling better should not be my focus, so I mainly stopped that.
I did also have him say he had withdrawn from a friendship with a female friend who I had not met and I was NEVER comfortable with their relationship (although it was never sexual). So I had him say:
'I cannot even see X'
Over the weekend we spoke about X and he has not seen her for weeks and weeks, and they have not been in touch at all. They used to be in touch pretty much every day by text/whatsapp or email. He said he is totally fed up with her, she is flaky and he cannot be bothered with her anymore........
In PW he said
'I cannot think of anyone else but you'.
He was not able to even date another woman, not a single date.
In PW I told him I was going to date other men and he would lose me if he didn't pull his finger out. He told me over the weekend that he was terrified to contact me because he was convinced that I was seeing someone else. (I only went on a handful of first dates - they were all nice guys but not for me!!)
He also said he had been looking for any excuse to contact me, but was fighting himself about it.
But as I said it is more the overall tone. It was the feeling more than the words. I think you have to really feel the PW. Sometimes he was saying things without me saying them.
I can tell by the tone of your message that not only have you raised your vibration to one of love and acceptance but it sounds like he has too. It is so healthy that you have both decided to take things slowly and not just jump into the sexual part of the relationship. You will find you will connect on a deeper level and when you consummate it again there will be no doubt about the level of love and commitment. I can't wait for the wedding invitation! :-)
Lanie Stevens wrote:
duvetwitch wrote:
unicornsnrainbows wrote:
Ha--I figured you were real...but I guess you never know.So happy that things are going well so far. I'm curious--what did you do in your PW sessions? Were there any things you had him say to you, that he's now said and/or done in physical reality?
So to answer this. It's not so much the specifics of what he said, but the general tone of it all. During PW he said:
I miss you (said)
I love you (said)
Marry me. (will be said soon)
There were other things in the mix at different times. For example, early on I wanted him to feel a lot better in himself, so he said things like:
'I'm feeling much better, I've moved on a lot in myself'. (he has not really said this - but it is VERY clear in his actions, how he is and what he has been doing for himself in our time apart).
Then I read some stuff from some of the girls on this forum and decided him feeling better should not be my focus, so I mainly stopped that.
I did also have him say he had withdrawn from a friendship with a female friend who I had not met and I was NEVER comfortable with their relationship (although it was never sexual). So I had him say:
'I cannot even see X'
Over the weekend we spoke about X and he has not seen her for weeks and weeks, and they have not been in touch at all. They used to be in touch pretty much every day by text/whatsapp or email. He said he is totally fed up with her, she is flaky and he cannot be bothered with her anymore........
In PW he said
'I cannot think of anyone else but you'.
He was not able to even date another woman, not a single date.
In PW I told him I was going to date other men and he would lose me if he didn't pull his finger out. He told me over the weekend that he was terrified to contact me because he was convinced that I was seeing someone else. (I only went on a handful of first dates - they were all nice guys but not for me!!)
He also said he had been looking for any excuse to contact me, but was fighting himself about it.
But as I said it is more the overall tone. It was the feeling more than the words. I think you have to really feel the PW. Sometimes he was saying things without me saying them.
I can tell by the tone of your message that not only have you raised your vibration to one of love and acceptance but it sounds like he has too. It is so healthy that you have both decided to take things slowly and not just jump into the sexual part of the relationship. You will find you will connect on a deeper level and when you consummate it again there will be no doubt about the level of love and commitment. I can't wait for the wedding invitation! :-)
Yes Lanie, exactly right (as usual). I had got to a place where I was genuinely happy to be alone and yet simultaneously utterly certain that we would get back together one day. it didn't matter when it was, and actually it happened much faster than I expected. I am in a much better place and so is he. I think, though, that I am in an even better place than him. This is partly because I had fewer issues to start with. However, I also cannot credit your work enough! It is not so much that it works to communicate with someone remotely (which it certainly does, of that there is no doubt). But just as important, probably more important, it works on YOU the sender. A combination of mainly PW and just one single CTC really worked wonders for me. CTC was a little sad after, but only in a bittersweet way.
Ladies: once again. Just read the stuff and practice what it says. It's not difficult. It does not require 3 hours per day! (I had actualy started to miss the odd day here and there but generally filled in during the day with a short 'power session' in the car park or somewhere where I could grab five minutes). Lanie's materials are dirt cheap: I think my books were £3.99 each or something? That is not much more than a cup of coffee! Come on - just buy them all (I did), buy the meditations and get on with it.
It's so simple. Just keep going. And the key, it seems, is you. Just stop stressing about it and go about your business and BE HAPPY!
I promise I will find some of the links to other bits and pieces I found useful. I even listened to an online hypnosis with my boyfriend yesterday as he started to get into a negative spiral about how badly he had treated me! (I wish I could have let him listen to Lanie - but i've had to hide that in a secret folder on my laptop so he won't find it!!)
So awesome! Congrats on your success
duvetwitch wrote:
So ladies, an update.
He came over he was wearing a dark suit (very similar but not identical to the one I use in PW). He came with flowers, chocolate etc. He put his arms right around me and kissed me immediately. And that was it. We kissed, he came in. We left for dinner. We had dinner, holding hands, just talking like we were never apart. He is a funny man, so I was laughing a lot. Towards the end of dinner he said so many apologies for his behaviour, and said that he had not ever taken responsibility for his behaviour and that he wanted to do that and to apologise and look me in the eye.
He came back home with me and agreed to stay the night. We talked for hours: mostly about how things went wrong, and how he was sorry and he kept on blaming himself totally. I told him I had to have played my part, and said how I had been working on being more positive and not developing negative internal stories (as we know they have a habit of coming true). He continued to apologise and was quite distraught at times. He is clearly making massive progress on his own journey, but maybe has some way still to go.
We agreed to no sex for a few weeks (his suggestion), so that we can rebuild properly, he is concerned about building intimacy and honesty before sex.
He's a good one right? What kind of man chooses to give up sex so that he can improve his relationship? A good one.
Oh, and in my original post I forgot to mention that I started the love spell this week too.
Anyway: I really just wanted to say a couple of things.
1. This really does work. it is all in your mind.
2. A massive thank you to Lanie for making this all availabe and at such amazing and reasonable prices that make it very easy to access. If I hear of people wanting to get it for free when you offer it at such a good rate it makes me cross.
I also read a couple of good books based on Neville Goddard - you can get them free on Kindle if you have Amazon prime - you just borrow them. I will find the links and post them here and also on the links pages.
And yes, I will keep on with the PW and everything else: until I get the ring I have seen. (Actually I have been able to feel the ring on my finger for several weeks, it is an actual sensation on my finger in my mind that is so strong I am surprised to not see it in 'real' life).
Keep going everyone!
Awesome! Happy belated birthday sweetie
Thanks for sharing his perspective with us too!
This story is so encouraging
Good luck to you both