When you RS/RI someone do they sense the thoughts sent are coming from you or do they perceive them as their own thoughts? I've read on this forum and others that people get blocked by targets after doing RS. I've seen some women post that their target will message then saying something along the lines of "go to bed and stop thinking about me", as if they could sense it right then and there.
Is this because they sense the person is RSing them? If they consider the thoughts you send their own, why would they block you?
Also how does it work with other methods of RI, like the whisper method or the method where you visualize their face and what they are thinking/saying without calling them to you? When you are wanting to influence them about something and the suggestions don't directly involve you, how do they perceive these thoughts? For example if I send John Doe the thoughts of "I am resigning from the marketing team. I would rather be in customer service" because I want to him off the marketing team, would he sense those thoughts are coming from me, even without any mention of "me" being in the suggestion?
I hope those questions made sense and can be answered.
MrsJJ76 wrote:
Is this because they sense the person is RSing them? If they consider the thoughts you send their own, why would they block you?
They block you not necessarily because they "know" you are RSing them, but because they cant handle the emotions they feel towards you/dont want accept or deal with what is happening to them.
I believe the thoughts they have, feel as if they are their own / created from within them.
We cant discount the fact that some people are more spiritually sensitive than others, and may be able to discern thoughts / energy from within themselves or others.
The only method I am familiar with is PW and Lanie says that when you
do it on a person, they do not know anything about it. The statements
you visualize a person saying are ingrained in their subconscious and
they are unaware of anything, those become their own thoughts/feelings.
I cannot address the issue of blocking because I haven't had it happen
to me, but based upon the multitude of ladies saying it has happened
I believe that blocking is a reaction to PW.
The other method I'm referring to is just a basic RI method. There is no touching or calling the person over to you. It's like the whisper method except you see their full face (in your mind) as you say your suggestions to them.
I had taken some time off from doing PW or any type of RI, but I'm getting back into again. I have a few targets, some I've seen that my sessions have influenced and others I haven't seen...yet. 😏
Thanks for the clarification ladies!
Last edited by MrsJJ76 (3/17/2017 10:05 pm)