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3/21/2017 1:48 pm  #11

Re: I don't get it ..

Thank you!

3/22/2017 2:10 am  #12

Re: I don't get it ..

IssyKitten, I totally get your frustation but I feel it'll serve you in so many ways if you enjoy the process and stop focusing on how long things are taking. PW, the spell and really all LOA work  are going to take even longer (or not work at all) if you focus on the amount of time and don't enjoy the process on some level.

3/22/2017 2:49 am  #13

Re: I don't get it ..

Not easy to enjoy the process when the results (lack of) are so disheartening after 3 months.

3/22/2017 3:09 am  #14

Re: I don't get it ..

how do I know this even works for me when after months he's cold and acts like I killed his family when he hurt me ? He acts like I'm not alive and makes it seem like Its hard to talk to me

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3/22/2017 4:54 am  #15

Re: I don't get it ..

I guess my point is your choices are to commit to it fully or give up. It seems like the whole time you've been doing it you've been doubting it. I know it's difficult and you're craving proof, but you may not get any for a while or you may get proof in any other ways besides your POI. But I have felt PW has really worked best when I've left go of my worries and truly believed it's going to work. It might be a good idea to do PW on someone else or something else to help build your faith. I also really like watching Abraham Hicks videos on YouTube when I need help raising my vibration and committing to LOA work.

3/22/2017 4:58 am  #16

Re: I don't get it ..

I think you really need to raise your vibration, focus on yourself and your happiness firstbefore trying to manifest your ex back. When you are in the right frame of mind you will not question the percieved "lack".

You have this mindset that your case is special, i need to remind you at the crux of it we are all essentially here for the same/similar reasons. Members are not regurgitating advice for the heck of it, what we have been sharing here on this forum works.

You need to get out of your own way.

Evey2222 just posted a wonderful update here:

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.


3/22/2017 4:59 am  #17

Re: I don't get it ..

okay I will . thank you

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3/22/2017 5:50 am  #18

Re: I don't get it ..

Could the lack of results be due to not visualizing properly or not being truly in alpha state, i.e. The meditation was not skillfully executed and POI failed to receive message?

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