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3/24/2017 7:09 pm  #1

17-second / 68-second pure thought for manifesting

Anyone tried this Abraham Hicks technique for manifesting?  Please share your experiences and success stories.

I tried starting small to receive text message but did not work.

3/24/2017 8:05 pm  #2

Re: 17-second / 68-second pure thought for manifesting

I've known about this for a long time, but haven't tried it. Remember you still need the belief that what you desire is possible for you. Keep at it

3/24/2017 10:34 pm  #3

Re: 17-second / 68-second pure thought for manifesting

kellykelly wrote:

Anyone tried this Abraham Hicks technique for manifesting?  Please share your experiences and success stories.

I tried starting small to receive text message but did not work.

Can you break it down for me?

3/25/2017 11:22 am  #4

Re: 17-second / 68-second pure thought for manifesting

Ratpack wrote:

kellykelly wrote:

Anyone tried this Abraham Hicks technique for manifesting?  Please share your experiences and success stories.

I tried starting small to receive text message but did not work.

Can you break it down for me?

3/25/2017 1:09 pm  #5

Re: 17-second / 68-second pure thought for manifesting

Interesting. Maybe I'll try but with something I'm not emotionally attached to. I read an article the other day (I don't know where, I start sometimes reading LOA things & hour later stop lol) But after did the "tennis ball technique" Decided I'd manifest a tennis ball so used the techniques they described, had good & surprised happy thoughts around receiving it.. 30 mins later took my daughter to visit family & she threw a tennis ball at me out of the blue,  we were laughing. Was a happy & surprising.  I think I would still be introducing some doubt if I tried text message. Maybe I'll get some flowers

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