Took a few weeks break from the love spell seeing as I completely mucked it up last time and overdone it lol. So tonight i'm doing it afresh and boy is he going to feel it
I'm smiling away to myself here as I put some recent photos of me on the new 'my day' thing on messenger and i've just noticed he's been looking at them. I only look at people I am interested in so i'm taking him looking at mine as a good thing, would you agree lol?
Starting round 2 tonight.
aligemini wrote:
Do you do 1 week then have a gap for a week, then do a 2nd week? Still confused! Lol
Thanks, I definitely see it as a positive too, he chose to click on it and look at all the photos and not click off after the first one so a definite positive!
Yes Week 2 starts a week after the end of week 1, so if you finish the first week on a Sunday you start the second week the next Sunday, that's how i've read it now. I'm sure someone will clarify if i'm wrong lol.
Was just about to start the love spell as I said above, I was putting my headphones into my mobile to listen to it and went to put my mobile down and his ringtone started ringing! My heart jumped lol, I must have accidentally hit it while putting the phone down.....hahaha
AnnanWater wrote:
Starting round 2 tonight.
Fab, let us know how it goes
aligemini wrote:
Thank you daisychain. If I had a fella looking at my photo's like that I would be thinking "whoa!! I have him!"
Haha I am, it can't be helped!
That's twice tonight now when i've gone to start the love spell I've accidentally hit his ringtone after i've started the love spell mp3. Very strange lol
On the last night of the first week of doing the love spell properly and he's completely backed off. I sent him a hey on Tuesday and he's not read it! Usually if he's not going to reply he at least reads it, albeit sometimes a few days after sending.
I feel a bit like a yo-yo at the moment, one minute he replies all chatty and we have a laugh and then he goes quiet and ignores me for weeks.....I know me allowing him to do this is giving my power back over so I need to stop with the analizing and thinking about it.
Need to keep my head up and tell myself it's all getting to him and this is why he does this. From what i've picked up on here it sounds like this is what happens with them.