Hello everyone!
I've been silently on this forum for a while now and using the techniques, but really today I just decided register solely to post this. I was feeling inspired.
I feel like there has been a lot of negativity on the forum lately, it seems almost everything that I read. So, really, I just wanted to start a new topic so maybe we can have a nice topic in this pile of ones that seem quite negative. I know there's a success story topic, but I don't mean necessarily success stories, but anything positive to do with this all.
Kinda like micro successes, too. How long have you been doing these techniques? How many great things have you had happen afterwards?
It seems like really I have the most successes after I surrender.
Like I started doing the techniques on a new person, and got a little frustrated earlier and had a mini giving up.
An hour later, he replies to me calling me a very nice name lol. It's funny how it works.
Alright, I guess I don't know what topic I'm really wanting to start. I'm just looking for some more positivity on the forum
wishing you guys all the best with your techniques! <3 You guys can do it.
Remember that it ALWAYS works, even when you can't see it.
Internal dialogue isn't visible on the outside for your person.
sending you all love <3
Welcome to the forum girl! Small victory today is that I manifested a free dessert
This is a great idea I'll go ahead and talk about a manifesting story from today for some encouragement!
I was in the car driving home today and saw a bright lime green car drive by and thought to myself how I had never seen a car that color before. I decided that I wanted to try and manifest a color on a car that I had never seen before and so I chose the color orange. I kept an eye out looking for an orange car for around 20 minutes, but ended up at home and did not see any orange cars. Before I got out of the car, I said to God / The universe that I trust I will be shown an orange car sometime today and I let go.
I ended up going out again later tonight to a concert and on the drive there I had forgotten about the orange car, but randomly the thought popped back into my mind and at that very moment, a BRIGHT orange car drove right by me!!
I compare this to manifesting our targets because even though we may not see it happening at this moment, God / The Universe is making it happen behind the scenes and it will arrive at the right moment (like the orange car did for me). Just trust that it is all happening and will manifest when you least expect it <3
Thank you manifestation maven! It's great to be here and I hope, and am sure it was delicious.
And that's an amazing story, eleven! I've definitely don't think I've ever seen an orange car!
It's really amazing when we see all the things we can manifest. It really does work!! We really are the authors of our own stories!
I have this little manifestation game I play. I write down about 8 things, and give each one pure intent and really imagine it as if it's happening now, or Just purely focus on the thing, and I go back to it like 4 days later and it's amazing how everything happens! Letting go is really key I think. Detachment. When you're feeling good and one good thing happens, it usually turns into way more good things flowing to you very easily. Usually, if I write 8 things, 6 will happen by the end of the week, and I take the blame for whatever doesn't happen, but it always comes around. as long as I'm open to it!
It's a great little game to play to really prove to yourself that this all works! And truly does make you believe and allow for more to manifest with that belief ^_^
Same as Lj but more like it's 6 months of nothing and 4 months of pw with nothing. maybe in 5 years
I've manifested a great relationship with my love I find I manifest much quicker when I'm in a good mood.
Lavender I love that idea! I'm going to give it a try this upcoming week.
Lj and Issy, remember that LOA is always at work and we are always attracting into our lives. It is when we take conscious control of it that we really see that we are manifesting. You should do little tests like I did with the orange car. Think of someone making you a tea or think of a certain color on a car. Watch them appear in your reality. It'll certainly give you encouragement <3
Samibaby21 wrote:
I've manifested a great relationship with my love
I find I manifest much quicker when I'm in a good mood.
I know. Being much more happy would definitely result in more manifestation.
I just can't seem to let my girl go. Everywhere I go, I'm reminded of her.
I would love to get back with her, or even somebody else who might be better.
But I'm blocking my own desires.
I seriously don't know how to remove my blockages.
I know what I want, I just can't seem to get the last 5% I need for it to manifest.
I wish I could just let go and have fun. I just don't know how.
LJ and Issy, I can see your resistance from your comments alone
Lj, four months of nothing- but in the future, you have the whole future of everything, right?
you'll get there. drop that resistance! ahaha. Four months from now, I hope to be hearing a success story from you
Same with you, Issy!
I have a short personal story relating.
I've done remote seduction on about three people knowingly. I didn't quite call it that- it was just under magic for me that I learned from a friend, but I recently found all of this within probably the past 6 months?
I'd say about that.
Well, this is really kinda a short story of what happens when you drop resistance.
I was always kinda a gamer, and had a group of friends in that group. Since about 2012, I had had this crush on one of them and he really never gave me the time of day.
Well, fast forward to August of 2015- I'd started a honey jar ALONG with lots of remote seduction. Well, I mean, you'd talk to the jar as well kinda like a different form of remote seduction as well. But, I really went for it! But then someone caught my attention, and right after, another person did as well and we started dating. I totally forgot about all the stuff I'd done then.
One day I decided to message that person when I saw him online, that I had done all that work on.
He was seriously hitting on me.
By this time, I was totally in love with my now ex. (that I don't want back)
He was really coming onto me, and even started sending nudes. Told me he was in love with me.
After years of not giving me the time of day.
I totally dropped all of my resistance- and that happened. It was like a miracle, and I knew it HAD to be all the work I'd done.
That's what happens when you drop all of your resistance and just live having fun and being happy.
You guys should really play the little game I mentioned above!
It really helps when you see for yourself, with your own eyes, what you can manifest for yourself.
And, it makes you believe in yourself so much more. That really helps to drop resistance I think, because you can trust and let go and let god, you know?
But LJ, I think what you want maybe is the feeling that being with her gives you?
Maybe try to imagine that feeling every chance you get?
Have you tried any of the guided meditations?
I know how you feel, and luckily I was able to get past that. I think what really helped me was evolving spiritually and learning to be more spiritual and trusting with my spirituality and manifesting.
Hope this helps!!
Edit: Oh, and Eleven! Please tell how it goes! :D
Last edited by lavendernova101 (4/02/2017 6:22 pm)