Last night I had a dream that was so real to me . All my dreams came true . I will be honest I have been a little down it's crazy because I am getting so much attention from other men just not my ex. I even have one that has kinda freaked me out he is almost stalking me and it's making me uneasy. But last night I dreamed my ex came to visit and we were just having small talk and I can remember kinda of lying on my couch and he got up went to the door and was strolling in with his suitcases and I was so happy I didn't act overly happy but I asked what his diet was like for the week and went on to explaining. Then I said so you are moving back in and we just smiled at each other and I woke up.
I have been doing PW because everytime I do RS he does show up for sex. But I want so much more. He is in another relationship now and I've been visualizing him apologizing to me and coming home . He's a physique competitor and last week he sent me a texted message Thanking me for being the first person to believe in him . I of course let him know I was his biggest fan and wished him luck. He won and I found out through social media and he has not contacted me since. Does anyone have any suggestions . I don't want to give up but I'm practicing self love and not thinking about it everyday but these low days I get so discouraged.
Please let me know if there is something else I need to be doing .