After my emotional quitting of PW and BWD then randomly hearing from my POI I've taken a step back from everything LOA relationship related and focused on other areas of my life and getting it in order and things are looking up! I had an amazing shopping day, nails done, lunch, all on my own, have a new job finally that I love, joined a gym, vacation planned, and am framing my POI in a better light (or attempting to. I'm still mad at him for screening my calls but working on being understanding and compassionate without excusing negative behavior) I even downloaded bumble and have been chatting with a few guys, just as a distraction. I came across an interesting article (oddly enough five minutes later I can't find it again?!) that is about acting as if basically by falling in love with your desired reality so that your desires come from a place of want not a place of need. Etc etc.
I believe I need to put this into practice and stop being afraid of acting as if for fear that if things with my POI dont work I'll be left high and dry.
For instance, if I were in a relationship with him, I wouldn't have dating apps, or be flirting with guys on snapchat, yet I'm my fear says "you need back ups, just in case things fall through with him." I wouldn't be going to bars all the time, getting drunk and doing stupid things. But does that mean I delete my apps, never go to the bars with my friends, ignore every man i see? (Although since I've met my POI men barely look twice at me 😂)
So basically,
How would you all describe acting as if? How do you put it into practice? How do you keep it realistic without it becoming delusional or even just strange haha?
I would probably like to address this and shall try to be as clear and simple in explaining as I can 😊(I sort of feel at times I am unable to put my point across in a simple and easy manner which can be understood by all ) Well I think the whole point is about keeping ur vibrations extremely high and happy for urself which means do anything that makes u happy and not dwell in the past or take ur attention to ur present reality of lack, meaning ur present reality is ur present cos of ur past thoughts !! U can change them by changing ur thoughts !
Some like to stay happy doing things like rediscovering themselves by some hobbies, some sort of knowledge learning,travelling,joining gym, Dance classes etc etc while others prefer to boost their time with company of the opposite sex which is again not at all wrong ! At the end of the day it's each ones own reality,hence u can do anything that rings true to ur core self,their belief and thoughts ! The whole idea is to keep urself from keeping ur attention away from the present(which is actually ur past thoughts materialised inside out) which shows that u don't have ur man presently, which will then take ur attention to ur reality of lack,which will then take u to ur feelings of loneliness,which will In turn take ur attention to the fact that ur sad,which means low vibrations which means lesser power to manifest 😊 Let me try to explain this more clearly with An example !
Let's say u have wifi at home which is having weak signals so then ur tryin to watch a beautiful romantic movie where the actor and the actress are going to kiss each other and cos of the weak signal u have to put up with the buffering time and then even after that it stop every 5 seconds or so and ur now super frustrated cos there's this break and then wait and then very little flow to enjoy the scene! The same thing let's see when ur having a strong wifi signal u are able to enjoy the movie without any breaks and that puts u in a good mood and takes u to a dreamy Romantic state cos the movie was so smooth and nice ! That's where v need to take our vibrations and our attention which will manifest as success outside ! 😊