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I don't post regularly, but I've been doing the PW technique since the summer and I did the Love Spell during the last week of February and into March.
Just a little background... My POI and I had gotten back in touch with one another about a week before Christmas after a year and a half of no contact. We were talking and seeing each other on a regular basis. He initiated the texts and FaceTime calls.
In the middle of doing the Love Spell, my POI went silent on me for a few days. He texted me on March 1 and he told me that he didn't want me to think that I had done anything wrong. He just needed a break so that he could focus on his goals. My reply was that I understood and I told him to take all the time he needed, followed by two kiss emojis.
I didn't hear from him again until last Thursday (April 6) which was 4 days AFTER my birthday. He initiated the contact and I was very pleasant with him. I did mention that he missed my birthday and he said that he would make it up to me. He wanted to see me on that day or the next but I had to prepare for cruise vacation which was this past Saturday and I just came back today.
On Saturday, when I was boarding the plane, he wished me safe travels and we texted back and forth until I boarded the ship. I texted him today to let him know that I'm home and we've been talking for the past couple of hours. He asked for pics and after sending the pics he just keeps complimenting me telling me that I'm beautiful and I'm sexy. Things are going pretty well and I'm going with the flow.
While he was MIA for the whole month of March, I continued with PW and just kept the faith. I was also detached from the outcome. I also told myself that if I never hear from him again, then I'm grateful for the time that we spent together during the time that we had reconnected. I was kind of hurt when he didn't text me on my birthday, but then I thought about all of the love that my friends, family and students showed me for my birthday. I am loved and I am valued no matter what. I forgave him and kept it moving.
I trust and believe that everything will work out and I know that my POI loves me and cherishes me.
unicornsnrainbows wrote:
such a great attitude! Thanks for sharing your story, it really does lend hope. Patience is key.
Thank you! I will admit that I had moments of doubt, but my moments of faith definitely outweighed any doubts that I had.
It seems that almost everyone's POI has gone silent after PW and/or the Love Spell. This is certainly no coincidence, in my opinion. I see this as proof that it's actually working.
Jen wrote:
I'm so happy for you... And well done on being patient and confident.
It's working out for you beautifully. Keep it up 👍🏻
Thank you Jen! Everything is going to work out beautifully for you too! 😊
Patience is really hard!
AnnanWater wrote:
Patience is really hard!
I'm sorry that it's hard for you to be patient.
The only thing that I can say is that there are some things that can be manifested rather quickly, while there are many other things that will take time. Instead of looking for the results and expecting the outcome, the best thing we can all do for ourselves is to live our lives to the fullest. There's more to life than just being in a relationship with our POI. We have choices in this life. We can choose to be happy with what we have going on for us right now or we can bring down our vibe by focusing on what we don't have yet.
Personally, I just reached a point of where I got sick and tired of being impatient and focusing on what I don't have in the present moment. I just became grateful for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me. Once I changed my mindset and practiced gratitude, things changed for the better. I honestly feel like we will all get to that point sooner or later.
NewJackSweetie wrote:
AnnanWater wrote:
Patience is really hard!
I'm sorry that it's hard for you to be patient.
The only thing that I can say is that there are some things that can be manifested rather quickly, while there are many other things that will take time. Instead of looking for the results and expecting the outcome, the best thing we can all do for ourselves is to live our lives to the fullest. There's more to life than just being in a relationship with our POI. We have choices in this life. We can choose to be happy with what we have going on for us right now or we can bring down our vibe by focusing on what we don't have yet.
Personally, I just reached a point of where I got sick and tired of being impatient and focusing on what I don't have in the present moment. I just became grateful for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me. Once I changed my mindset and practiced gratitude, things changed for the better. I honestly feel like we will all get to that point sooner or later.
It wasn't so bad waiting for the first few months, but now I am almost to my year mark of LOA/Lanie's Techniques..etc over the same guy. I ha one result of it last fall, then nothing since. It's more of a challenge now then it was back then I feel...
Speaking of patience, one of the things that has helped me is to do other productive things in the meantime.
For example, the DMV is not a fun place to be for most people. Instead of complaining about the wait, I make sure I bring my kindle and I catch up on my reading. The same goes for when I go to the salon to get my hair or nails done.
When you have other things going on and you're not focused on how long it's taking, the time really does go by quickly. You also gain valuable knowledge and worthwhile experiences while you're doing those other things in the meantime.
AnnanWater wrote:
NewJackSweetie wrote:
AnnanWater wrote:
Patience is really hard!
I'm sorry that it's hard for you to be patient.
The only thing that I can say is that there are some things that can be manifested rather quickly, while there are many other things that will take time. Instead of looking for the results and expecting the outcome, the best thing we can all do for ourselves is to live our lives to the fullest. There's more to life than just being in a relationship with our POI. We have choices in this life. We can choose to be happy with what we have going on for us right now or we can bring down our vibe by focusing on what we don't have yet.
Personally, I just reached a point of where I got sick and tired of being impatient and focusing on what I don't have in the present moment. I just became grateful for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me. Once I changed my mindset and practiced gratitude, things changed for the better. I honestly feel like we will all get to that point sooner or later.It wasn't so bad waiting for the first few months, but now I am almost to my year mark of LOA/Lanie's Techniques..etc over the same guy. I ha one result of it last fall, then nothing since. It's more of a challenge now then it was back then I feel...
I understand what you mean.
If this is what you really want, then you have to totally be unfazed by the circumstances. You have to get to a point of where you stop keeping track of how long it's been and just keep believing that he's yours.
On the other hand, stop doing the techniques for awhile and build up your vibe in other ways.
What helped me over time was this... each time a negative thought popped into my head or I felt a sense of discouragement, I would just say to myself, "so what?" Or "oh please! That's not even true!" I just kept telling myself over and over again that he's mine and nothing or no one can stop that. I would tell myself that he chooses me all day everyday and no other woman can ever compare to me. That would make me feel a whole lot better and eventually I took him off of my pedestal. Bottom line, I have the power! It's not what he says or does that matters, it's what I say and what I want! I'm running things and I have him right where I want him!
Could it be that the reason it takes so long is because that person isn't meant to be in your life? I saw something like that on another form
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