LANIE STEVENS Books & Meditations --

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4/29/2017 5:37 pm  #1

Real success?

I loved Lanie's books . It made feel everything is possible . Last year I did a PW for a few weeks time on a guy whom I loved for a long time . That time we didn't speak for about 3 months .. he reached out to me 4 months later . Very casually first and wanted to meet . And a week later he asked when I go to his city becasue when he passed by the chrismass tree he tought about me. (We kissed there first ) that was last November I got so scared I didn't even wrote back ... I reached out to him very casually in February asking him when he comes to my city . He said he will let me know .. he didn't wrote back . I worsted again on easter and he told me he has a girl now he is very serous about her and we can be friends.. and I lost it . I sent him two long texts telling him about my feelings and that last November I got scared and didn't wrote back for months ..  I also told him to delete my number becasue I was moving on and he made me think about him again and I got back to him months later.. in the text I also asked what was his intention with that text on November??? It was few
Days ago . He didn't even reply . (( I'm so desperate and sad .. I feel everything is over and I feel so stupid not to reply for that message .. and I just want to ask if anybody had a real success with these techniques to really get somebody back !??? Not just to get him text me or say hi but really make him fall for me ...thank you

5/01/2017 2:02 am  #2

Re: Real success?

Well, while I am waiting for the others WAKE UP you guys!  


I used it on some guys.  It doesn't ALWAYS work but it has on some of them.  One even proposed to me.  

I also had a guy who I met six months earlier and I put him off me and I guess I did a version of make him burn and suddenly he texted me (I nearly sunk to my knees in shock!) and then he was all calling and texting and wanting to meet so we actually did.

I don't know what will happen now though plus we now live in different cities.  

It hasn't worked on everyone, some only asked for sex, some asked for nothing but when it has it's been powerful. So far. 

5/01/2017 2:48 pm  #3

Re: Real success?

The techniques actually do work every single time, but so many people are looking for it rather than knowing it is working behind the scenes. There are plenty of success stories here and other sites, but some have no patience and expect immediate, tangible results and that's not usually how it works. Much patience and belief is needed.

@strawberry36, I think because you didn't answer him, maybe he felt as though there was no point pursuing it, but no one can be sure except him. Once you get out of your desperate, sad state, you can try again, but you need to be patient. If/when he contacts you, don't clam up and not respond back. 


5/01/2017 4:22 pm  #4

Re: Real success?

Thank you both for replying . I will try to do the PW and EFT again and see what happens ....

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5/01/2017 9:11 pm  #5

Re: Real success?

Piper wrote:

The techniques actually do work every single time, but so many people are looking for it rather than knowing it is working behind the scenes. There are plenty of success stories here and other sites, but some have no patience and expect immediate, tangible results and that's not usually how it works. Much patience and belief is needed.

@strawberry36, I think because you didn't answer him, maybe he felt as though there was no point pursuing it, but no one can be sure except him. Once you get out of your desperate, sad state, you can try again, but you need to be patient. If/when he contacts you, don't clam up and not respond back. 


Thank you Piper! They do work every single time to contact the person. The problem is my sisters get impatient and sabotage the results. That's not to say you should wait around, moping and depressed, because you need to keep living your life.  Just know that it's impossible to send thoughts and feelings to someone the way I have taught you to do it and not have it hit your target.   The technique always works and continues to work. That's why sometimes long after the person is forgotten they show up at your doorstep! LOL

5/02/2017 6:29 am  #6

Re: Real success?

Thank you for the answer . I'm getting the manifesting love meditation now .. yet I'm so scared and depressed that this happened . He never told me this before he never closed himself off from me . And this is very serious from him to say .. thank you

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5/02/2017 8:04 am  #7

Re: Real success?

Lanie I bought your manifest love meditation and trying to put in on my iTunes for over and hour and I can't manage to do it .. is there any other way ? My desktop is old AMD not updated so if I download some stuff doesn't always show up ! What else can I do ? Can u send me a cd and I pay for shipping ? Thank you

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5/02/2017 9:56 am  #8

Re: Real success?

Strawberry36 wrote:

Thank you for the answer . I'm getting the manifesting love meditation now .. yet I'm so scared and depressed that this happened . He never told me this before he never closed himself off from me . And this is very serious from him to say .. thank you

To be honest, I would work to get out the depressed state you are in and then proceed with the technique. I've found that feeling hopeless/sad really hinders my ability to concentrate and get results. You need to be happy with yourself, first. It's a process. If I'm feeling off just one day and my vibe is not where I want it, I won't do any visualizations.

5/02/2017 9:12 pm  #9

Re: Real success?

Thank you for all the messages ... I texted him today and asked him to meet me just for a drink as frineds... he said to stop and to respect his and her privacy and this woman is the one and only for him ... it broke my heart ... I never ever text him again ...this whole thing becaome so weird and I don't understand things ... thnak u all the help )

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