DC wrote:
hellokitty wrote:
Thanks for sharing DC, I'm confused by the tread as I get MT is magical touch, but
can you tell me what "LV" is?
LV is love visualization. It's when you picture yourself having an intimate discussion like PW or doing things like a couple. It's living in the end where you see yourself acting in loving ways after the relationship has materialized the way you want it already. If you are looking to be married to that person, what would a regular day look like. Holding hands, going for a hike, watching tv together while cuddling would all be LV.
got it Thanks a bunch!
DC wrote:
Woodyluv wrote:
Very Inspiring.... It's been a long time since I've been with my Love so your success is very uplifting. I took a peak at his FB (know I shouldn't have). He did a long post about his mistakes, living for status, and his lack of self-love, a discovery made through an old female friend. At first, it made me sad and disappointed then I said STOP! This is an awesome thing to happen. Do you want someone broken? NO! As I am learning to love myself, so should he.... the journey is the same. WOW! Even as I write this post, I'm feeling better and good. SOOO thank you for reminding me through your experience that this works and reminding me (and others) I am Queen Creator!
✌️&💝I'm really glad to hear this. Think of it as he's getting ready to be with you and becoming whole, which is awesome!!!
When I first started on this journey, I had a lot of doubts but I have taken every opportunity to test these and there is not a doubt in my mind that the message reaches the target instantaneously.
A few weeks ago, one of the big wigs of our company came to do a presentation. While sitting there bored, I thought...why the hell not. I started doing bwd...this man lost his place in the presentation, started looking around the room, and was looking at me, as I looked busy taking notes. He shuffled through his paperwork and tried to get back on track. All it took was not even two minutes. I stopped because I didn't want him embarrassing himself but the reaction was priceless. It really is amazing how connected we are.
The thread I posted has people experimenting with friends and the feelings and sensations that follow.
The target I have...I can feel him constantly at this stage. Whereas I used to try to connect to him before, I feel like there is a direct connection now. It seems that the more you do the techniques, the stronger the connection.
just out of curiosity, how do you do BWD during a meeting? how do you even get into the alpha state during a presentation so quickly? i seriously want to test it out! please share.
kellykelly wrote:
DC wrote:
Woodyluv wrote:
Very Inspiring.... It's been a long time since I've been with my Love so your success is very uplifting. I took a peak at his FB (know I shouldn't have). He did a long post about his mistakes, living for status, and his lack of self-love, a discovery made through an old female friend. At first, it made me sad and disappointed then I said STOP! This is an awesome thing to happen. Do you want someone broken? NO! As I am learning to love myself, so should he.... the journey is the same. WOW! Even as I write this post, I'm feeling better and good. SOOO thank you for reminding me through your experience that this works and reminding me (and others) I am Queen Creator!
✌️&💝I'm really glad to hear this. Think of it as he's getting ready to be with you and becoming whole, which is awesome!!!
When I first started on this journey, I had a lot of doubts but I have taken every opportunity to test these and there is not a doubt in my mind that the message reaches the target instantaneously.
A few weeks ago, one of the big wigs of our company came to do a presentation. While sitting there bored, I thought...why the hell not. I started doing bwd...this man lost his place in the presentation, started looking around the room, and was looking at me, as I looked busy taking notes. He shuffled through his paperwork and tried to get back on track. All it took was not even two minutes. I stopped because I didn't want him embarrassing himself but the reaction was priceless. It really is amazing how connected we are.
The thread I posted has people experimenting with friends and the feelings and sensations that follow.
The target I have...I can feel him constantly at this stage. Whereas I used to try to connect to him before, I feel like there is a direct connection now. It seems that the more you do the techniques, the stronger the connection.just out of curiosity, how do you do BWD during a meeting? how do you even get into the alpha state during a presentation so quickly? i seriously want to test it out! please share.
I just relax my gaze, take a few deep breaths and relax my body, and softly focus on my intent. We are always going in and out of alpha, even when we're driving. It's just a state of being relaxed. The more you do it intentionally, the easier it is to get there. That's why Lanie in her book says to repeat "sleep" a few times, and she gets into alpha. It really doesn't require much effort. When you're imagining, day dreaming etc you are in alpha anyways.
I do it a lot when I'm driving. Traffic where I live is a beast. So instead of becoming frustrated, I use the time to do PW on my love or affirmations/visualizations on I am wealthy. It has become a driving game for me.
DC wrote:
Woodyluv wrote:
Very Inspiring.... It's been a long time since I've been with my Love so your success is very uplifting. I took a peak at his FB (know I shouldn't have). He did a long post about his mistakes, living for status, and his lack of self-love, a discovery made through an old female friend. At first, it made me sad and disappointed then I said STOP! This is an awesome thing to happen. Do you want someone broken? NO! As I am learning to love myself, so should he.... the journey is the same. WOW! Even as I write this post, I'm feeling better and good. SOOO thank you for reminding me through your experience that this works and reminding me (and others) I am Queen Creator!
✌️&💝I'm really glad to hear this. Think of it as he's getting ready to be with you and becoming whole, which is awesome!!!
When I first started on this journey, I had a lot of doubts but I have taken every opportunity to test these and there is not a doubt in my mind that the message reaches the target instantaneously.
A few weeks ago, one of the big wigs of our company came to do a presentation. While sitting there bored, I thought...why the hell not. I started doing bwd...this man lost his place in the presentation, started looking around the room, and was looking at me, as I looked busy taking notes. He shuffled through his paperwork and tried to get back on track. All it took was not even two minutes. I stopped because I didn't want him embarrassing himself but the reaction was priceless. It really is amazing how connected we are.
The thread I posted has people experimenting with friends and the feelings and sensations that follow.
The target I have...I can feel him constantly at this stage. Whereas I used to try to connect to him before, I feel like there is a direct connection now. It seems that the more you do the techniques, the stronger the connection.
DC you crack me up! Thanks for the laugh and the visual I got of you messing with the guy giving the presentation. Priceless! :-)