Message from cloud nine. What a great day!!! Chatted with my love throughout the day. Video chatted on and off exchanging smiles, laughs and reminiscing. Chatted again this evening with video. He told me everything was real - all he said and felt for me. He told me he loved me numerous times, told me I was beautiful. Said his face hurt from smiling so much. Told me it wasnt over that there was more to come and wants to do dinner when I return from my trip. I feel so blessed right now. I will say I did not hear what I am visualizing however, I am remaining positive I will hear it one day. Exhale!!!!
When he writes you and says "I really would like to see you" ❤️
Aw! Thanks for your comment
Dinner with my POI tomorrow. It is his bday coming up so I'll see if I can take him for a bit of fun
Foxxy_1982 wrote:
Dinner with my POI tomorrow. It is his bday coming up so I'll see if I can take him for a bit of fun
what type of fun?
@hellokitty - it says out for a bit of fun...... round of tennis, capture the flag, target practice. Activities are endless.
Hello Sisters - just an update. I did have dinner with my POI - yet it didn't go as smoothly as expected. I let my emotions get the best of me and forgot to let go and just enjoy our time together. Regardless, we made up the next day. I've decided I will no longer contact him anymore - he can reach out to me. He did say he would make an effort to call me more and asked if I would accept his calls, lol. He told me he loved me, still sees us being together and marriage. He told me he recently went to one of our fave spots - a waterfall and sat there for 45mins...I didn't ask what he thought about, clearly it was me. Afterwards, he drove by my old place and went to his favourite restaurant but ordered what he use to get me. I thought that was so sweet. I am still on his mind, I am still in his heart....he has got to make it happen in his own time. This past weekend I went out clubbing, met new ppl and I truly had a great time. I'm going to continue living my life..I know damn well he is.
Foxxy_1982 wrote:
Hello Sisters - just an update. I did have dinner with my POI - yet it didn't go as smoothly as expected. I let my emotions get the best of me and forgot to let go and just enjoy our time together. Regardless, we made up the next day. I've decided I will no longer contact him anymore - he can reach out to me. He did say he would make an effort to call me more and asked if I would accept his calls, lol. He told me he loved me, still sees us being together and marriage. He told me he recently went to one of our fave spots - a waterfall and sat there for 45mins...I didn't ask what he thought about, clearly it was me. Afterwards, he drove by my old place and went to his favourite restaurant but ordered what he use to get me. I thought that was so sweet. I am still on his mind, I am still in his heart....he has got to make it happen in his own time. This past weekend I went out clubbing, met new ppl and I truly had a great time. I'm going to continue living my life..I know damn well he is.
I'm glad things are still going well for you sweetie and I'm so happy you''re continuing to live life without him and have fun meeting new people. That's SO important! xoxoxoxoxo
OMG!!!! Thee Lanie posted on my story. thank you! I think disconnecting is a key element but a very difficult one for a lot of us..... I'm ready.