Hi everyone. Great to be part of this forum. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on which guided meditation of Lanie's, is best for social anxiety and depression. These are two conditions I suffer from and would like to fix. I have tried a few of Lanie's other guided mediations and felt much better but was hoping for something more specific. Has anyone had any success with either of these conditions and her mp3s. Thanks in advance.
Have you tried doing eft or "tapping"? I really like Brad Yates and you can find several of his meditations on youtube. I know you are asking about guided meditations and this isn't exactly the same thing but I have found Brad's videos have really helped me if I am feeling anxious or down or feeling like I need to release something.
Lanie also has a meditation for depression in her store that might help. I haven't tried that one. There are a few others in her store that might be helpful also. The body enlightenment meditation is a great meditation that works to open up your energy and I have done that a few times and felt much more open and connected in general afterward. I feel it helps in raising my vibration and strengthen my energy field which can help with just feeling great overall.
Also, for social anxiety Lanie has a meditation called The White Light of Protection. Doing this meditation before being in social situations might help. You can also picture this white light around you, creating a protective barrier, while out around other people. The barrier can be permeable but you get to decide what is allowed inside this barrier. If you are sensitve to the energies of others and getting overwhelmed this can help. Also, picturing others surrounded by their own white lights as well can help too.
Last edited by Moonbeam2018 (7/07/2018 10:10 pm)