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7/09/2017 10:11 am  #1

Help please!

I started seeing someone from the past casually but I started to want more of a relationship which he doesn't feel able to do at the moment. I do believe he has feelings gor me.

I started using LOA and different techniques and he seemed to get more and more distant. Then he'd pop back in for a bit.

I ramped up my visualisations the last 2 weeks and now he's ignoring me completely! I was feeling so positive and sure it was coming together but now I'm struggling a bit.

I won't contact him again as it feels bad when he doesn't reply. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening and what I should do?

7/09/2017 10:36 am  #2

Re: Help please!

They say that this happens, it gets worse before it gets better as they are trying to fight it but keep at the techniques and it will come back together

7/09/2017 11:48 am  #3

Re: Help please!

So I shouldn't take a break because it seems to be pushing him away rather than bringing hin closer?

Many thanks for replying!

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7/09/2017 1:17 pm  #4

Re: Help please!

Only take a break if u feel u need to and if negative thoughts or feelings could get mixed into your visualisations

7/10/2017 2:42 am  #5

Re: Help please!

I think i'll keep going but not as intensely as before. I think I need to give him a bit of vibrational space as well as physical space.

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