Be playful around it...I do PW a lot during the day because it makes ME feel good. Just a couple of minutes sometimes; it raises my vibration and it helps me keeping the high vibe during my day. And that's what really matters...Making YOU feel good. The rest will follow!
Please bear in mind also that if you commit yourself to the idea that this person is very "logical", "stubborn", whatever, you are essentially putting it out there to manifest as such.
I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW how hard it is to rewrite that script in your head... my guy is SO that way and it's frustrating, but I'm focusing on who I want him to be with me and not the present circumstance. I also make a point of telling him so in the visualizations as an experiment lately, and I've been seeing little hints of progress more quickly, saying things to him like "You can't stay away", "I make your heart melt like butter", "you trust me and want to be vulnerable to me", etc.
At the same time.
I have lately been experimenting with a combination of PW and/or BWD on this "ex" (not an "ex" for long!) for maximum effect and saying things like that because it's pertinent to helping address the issues that transpired between us. In the last week, I have been seeing little tiny indirect hints and synchronicities here and there that it IS affecting him. This stuff WORKS.
Hi there!
So I too am struggling with ensuring I'm doing the technique correctly. More so, I am worried I am not in the proper meditative state. Tips/advice???
People focus too much on techniques. It's about the intention. Solely the intention and belief. The way LOA works is ask, beleive, receive. You put it out there, beleive it's coming to you, and then allow it to come. I used to ask everyone "what did you do? Is this working?" and I never understood why I never got an answer. Read into more LOA books. You can literally make up your own technique. As long as you KNOW it's working, is working.
Thanks Ratpack. I keep stressing, which I know is delaying manifesting. It's just these techniques in the book seem to simple. I just feel because I'm not getting tangible results I might be doing something wrong. I mean I know they work. There wouldn't be any success stories if that wasn't truth.
Have you had success?
Linda wrote:
There is no way to do it wrong if you are doing from your heart and truth feelings.
If you use the power of ego I believe it may work but the affect it not permanent. But if it's from love the affect its permanent.
Hi Linda!
I noticed this post from a little while back, but I figured I would try to reach out to ask a [probably] silly question. How do you know if it is coming from our hearts/true feelings vs. ego??