Lately I've been hearing my POI's thoughts/feelings during my pw sessions. I did one this morning which was super realistic and instead of him saying the usual phrases I have him say, I gave him a hug, and wished him a great day today. Unexpectedly in response he whispered in my ear "I'll be yours sooner then you think" I then asked what he wanted for his birthday coming up and his reply was...very steamy. **blushes**
I love that I'm at the stage where I'm hearing his thoughts, it makes each session fun and exciting and i feel more comfortable communicating to him like then in person. Our in person interactions have been great. I've been to a few of his bands gigs I've read up on body language and can see he's showing signs of attraction (standing almost-uncomfortably close while talking, glancing at me while talking to other people, intense eye contact while talking, super tight hugs ect) however he still manages to blow hot and cold, he's super flirty one gig then treats me like everyone else at the next. He looked horrified at their most recent gig when I walked round the corner of the venue and unintentionally "caught" him talking with on again/off again ex