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1/21/2018 4:26 am  #1

Suddenly attracting everyone you think of?? Happened to anyone?


I am a long time lurker of this forum and I love to read some of the posts here. I was just wondering if anyone had the same experience as I'm having right now.

I basically do the PW technique for like two weeks now(I did it in the past, too, but I just came back to it.) and no contact from the main target yet but never mind, I know I have resistance.

Anyway, it happened to me like 5 maybe 6 times this week, I just think about someone for a few seconds and they contact me the same day! I know this happens normally but never THIS much and often - it were people who I haven't spoken to in weeks or years. Do you think that maybe doing the meditations activates something?

Also,  did any of you suddenly get a lot of attention from other men? If so, how much and how often for example?

Thank you!

1/21/2018 3:52 pm  #2

Re: Suddenly attracting everyone you think of?? Happened to anyone?

Honestly there's this guy I used to talk to but we don't talk anymore...anyway he's not my POI bu whenever I do BWD or PW for some reason he always snaps me!!!

1/21/2018 10:14 pm  #3

Re: Suddenly attracting everyone you think of?? Happened to anyone?

i posted a story on here about how i attracted someone who resembles my POI a scary amount, and ive also been getting a lot of tinder matches lately

1/25/2018 9:14 pm  #4

Re: Suddenly attracting everyone you think of?? Happened to anyone?

You've expanded your awareness and ability to manifest due to the technique.  If you keep visualizing you will find that things manifest faster and faster.  You've activated your dormant ability to communicate without speaking.  Good job!  :-)

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