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1/28/2018 7:23 pm  #1

Long distance relationship

Hi guys.
So I’m in a long distance relationship with someone right now, and I’m really scared. When he lived in my country, he was crazy about me and wanted to be with me forever. Now he’s saying that I’m waisting my time waiting on him, he said he loves me but he’s affraid I can find someone way better and I should. Yes, he’s a hard person to be with but I love him for whomever he is. What would you guys suggest me to do so that he doesn’t see it this way, so that he doesn’t think that he’s ruinning my life? I want this relationship so bad and I want us to be together no matter what. I’ve told him that. But he still says “I’m nothing actually, why do you love me so much? I’m not good for you”... Any advice? Please?

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