Tess wrote:
Can someone please please tell me has anyone had this happen after starting the techniques that your POI got into a relationship with someone else, but you STILL ended up with them later on? Posted elsewhere on the forum but no answers yet so I am posting in the question section and really hope somebody sees and replies.
Here's what I have to say about that - if he has moved into another relationship, then you projected that into your reality by something you are saying or doing within. When I tell people that, they get pissed at me, so sorry. Reality is just an illusion and your beliefs that you have of any situation/person out-picture into your reality. SO, whatever you are believing RIGHT NOW, will project into your reality at some point. There can be no outer change until you first change within. Everything is you pushed out. You can do as many techniques as you want, but if you are not impressing the belief that he is with you onto your sc mind, it won't change.
@Piper: "Here's what I have to say about that - if he has moved into another relationship, then you projected that into your reality by something you are saying or doing within. When I tell people that, they get pissed at me, so sorry. Reality is just an illusion and your beliefs that you have of any situation/person out-picture into your reality. SO, whatever you are believing RIGHT NOW, will project into your reality at some point. There can be no outer change until you first change within. Everything is you pushed out. You can do as many techniques as you want, but if you are not impressing the belief that he is with you onto your sc mind, it won't change."
Thank you! Well, no I'm not pissed at you, actually! Yeah, I think I DID attract it cos like I DID think a few times or feel like oh he's gone quite it must be another women. I need to stop that stupid thought when I get it about someone. Anyway will re-read and re-read your reply and apply THANK YOU!!!!
Yeah I think you may be right about the smaller presence. I AM intrigued by the 3 of them though! :-)
LOL at "which of your men" Well, yes, there ARE a few guys who are interested in a relationship with me or at least a couple but I'm not into them like at all.
I know what you mean about the FWB but I don't know how long it's gonna take to manifest the him or better so...
There's another guy who's open to that (in the meantime!) like we ARE attracted to each other we DO get on and we're both single but there's a few things about him that make me NOT want to be in a proper relationship with him. I don't mean red flags in the sense that he'd be nasty to me or anything like that. But I wouldn't mind a fling with him while I wait? But impatience is even playing a part THERE! I need to be ok with the WHEN things happen and chill!
Back to my crush who has starting seeing someone.
I've made it VERY clear to him (SINCE he said about the relationship not before) that I am ONLY wanting to meet (should things NOT work out, cos we've discussed this - basically I got in touch again and he said he's started seeing someone but we both agree that IF things don't work out then yes we will try to meet although of course I've wished him well and much love and that it DOES. HOWEVER I made it VERY clear that I am looking for LOVE from him and not just sex. He's confessed to having lovey dovey feelings for me in the past and being very open to a relationship with me.
I DO need to be more patient, I know.
Ah, yes! I have seen the whispering technique and the rub out might be worth a go! Cos it's NOT like someone who is in an established happy relationship type of situation it's only JUST started too.
I want a relationship - VERY much. But only with someone in which there's strong mutual attraction and connection, not with just anyone. That's what I want.
Anyway THANK YOU!!! Really appreciate your reply and Piper's too!
Last edited by Tess (5/21/2018 3:42 pm)
Tess wrote:
@Piper: "Here's what I have to say about that - if he has moved into another relationship, then you projected that into your reality by something you are saying or doing within. When I tell people that, they get pissed at me, so sorry. Reality is just an illusion and your beliefs that you have of any situation/person out-picture into your reality. SO, whatever you are believing RIGHT NOW, will project into your reality at some point. There can be no outer change until you first change within. Everything is you pushed out. You can do as many techniques as you want, but if you are not impressing the belief that he is with you onto your sc mind, it won't change."
Thank you! Well, no I'm not pissed at you, actually! Yeah, I think I DID attract it cos like I DID think a few times or feel like oh he's gone quite it must be another women. I need to stop that stupid thought when I get it about someone. Anyway will re-read and re-read your reply and apply THANK YOU!!!!
You did, just like anything else, create it. What are you expecting out of your situation? Be honest about it, that will reveal the beliefs you hold. Then you can go within and work on changing them. Until you change what you believe, your outer world will remain the same. It's really THAT simple, but we tend to make it much more complicated.
Help! It's not going how I hoped it would.
I successfully manifested my POI. He initiated contact, and we spent 4 weeks messaging each other several times a day. I asked him if he was interested in meeting up and he said yes - all good. He arranged for us to meet up before he went away on a two week training course for work.
He chose something for us to do, which didn't actually work out, and we ended up going for a breakfast/brunch at a pub. He seemed to be very into me. At this stage I am thinking "this PW/BWD really works, he likes me, and it looks like he wants to see me again".
However, sadly, this didn't last long. On the way back to dropping me off, we drove past a furniture shop. He waxed lyrical about how he wants to purchase some nice British oak furniture to match the items he already has, and then he launched in to a slightly bitter rant about the stuff his ex-wife had taken when they divorced.
For a split second a look of abject pain crossed his face, as if someone had stabbed him with a hundred knives, and he suddenly turned cold on me. When he dropped me off, he didn't look at me, or talk to me. But, when he got home he sent me a message thanking me for the lovely morning we had spent together.
He went off on his course and his attitude to me became extremely cold and indifferent towards me. Last week I had had enough, and asked him outright if he still wanted to talk with me/meet up with me. He replied "yes" but only as friends, as he was not looking to get into a relationship with anyone yet. I agreed to this, but his demeanor to me remained cold and very off hand.
That was a week ago. I decided last Thursday to not message him anymore as his attitude to me was quite hurtful, as if he was trying to push me away. Then on Saturday I thought I would read Lanie's PW again.
I have to admit, I hadn't practiced either of the techniques since he originally contacted me. I decided there and then to have a PW session, and envisioned him saying that he couldn't get me off his mind, that he missed chatting to me, he wanted to see me again, and he wanted me as part of his life. Then I let go, and continued with my day.
When I got home, I discovered that he had sent me 7 messages during the afternoon, about 3 hours after I had PWd him. As well as a photo of the view he had whilst doing his homework studies, so that I could see what he could see. I was actually blown away, as this is the first time I had witnessed PW in action so fast.
I continued to practice PW, having him say the same things, and he has initiated every conversation that we have had for the last 5 days, which he had never done before.
This was all going well, yesterday he initiated our conversation. And then I had massive attack of poor self confidence/self worth/self esteem/self image. I could feel the negativity oozing out of me, and a dark cloud descend over me. I tried to do PW but felt flat, and whenever I thought of him a big barrier came up. I am pretty certain this is from me not him.
I am under an immense amount of pressure and stress right now as I am moving house, and didn't have enough notice to arrange for a professional removal firm, so I am having to move myself, which I am having major anxiety attacks over.
I haven't heard from him since yesterday morning. Now whenever I think of him I feel ugly and undesirable, as if he can't stand the thought of me. I believe this is coming from me, as I feel very needy at the moment, I have no one to help me move, and I know he probably wouldn't help if he was in the area. So I think I have decided that he finds me undesirable, and ugly, and undeserving of even his friendship and attention, let alone love and affection.
I know this is self destructive, and might turn into a self predicting prophecy if I am not careful.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to work on myself? I am pretty certain it's me that is blocking stuff, as the PW was having almost instantaneous results up until my melt down, and I didn't feel any resistance from him at all, he was very open to me during PW.
hermeshorse wrote:
If you bought the love spell meditation pack theres's a Believing You Can Manifest - it takes about 10 minutes then do a BWD quick, seriously - it's caveman time!
I think what you have to realise here is that it's NOT YOU. Whatever happened in the divorce has hurt him and seeing the furniture was a trigger.
I'm wondering if you could do a meditation where you relive the situation and instead have him look at the furniture and say "You know what, she's welcome to it, it was oldfashioned not my style - so tell me what do YOU like?"
Just a thought.
Thank you for your reply Hermes. I haven't got the Believe you can manifest meditation, so I am going to look into purchasing it, and give him a quick BWD session 😍Also, a good idea about going over the episode outside the furniture shop, and changing it to a positive. It's certainly worth a try.
It's reassuring to have you emphasize that his withdrawal from me is not something I have done, but more a painful memory from his past and his divorce in particular. I must admit on the day I wondered what on earth I had done wrong.
I still haven't heard from him today, but he is on a very intensive course, and they have a serious test and inspection tomorrow, so I know he will be busy with study and revision.
Plus I was so anxious this morning about my house move tomorrow that I thought it best to steer away from PW incase he picked up on my energy.
Thanks once again for your brilliant advise! 😊
Hi everyone. I just want to say that I have had insane success with pussy whip and burn with desire. My guy who didn't even know I existed became obsessed with me within a week of started the techniques. Anyway I have a question for lanie, can you make your target say too many things during pussy whip ?. All the things I make him say are about the same thing, loving me, but I wandered if it's better to focus on only a couple of sentences during one session?. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on that
I am happy for you Caitlyn_cg! Hearing that is also inspiring!
I am wondering the same thing about saying too many things to our poi. I would love to hear more about that too. Also, I often say something and then have my poi repeat it back to me. Does it matter if we say it first and then have our poi repeat it or if we just have them say something without us saying it first? I do both. Also, do we need to say something more then once like Lanie does in her connecting energy fields meditation, or is once enough? I often repeat things twice but sometimes I do not. Any thoughts?
I find it exhausting to constantly dictate the entire process. Why can’t I just be in a loving relationship? With equal give and take.
I use pw only for rough times. And I will visualize him in front of me saying loving things and I say it as well. Sometimes I have us saying the same thing together. Just one time and then we hug or something. 😁
I‘m new here and I‘ve got a few questions. My husband told me a week ago that he wants to move on after two years of living in separate appartments.
We originally broke up two years ago (he did, in fact), but we got together again last July. He told me he loved me on numerous occasions during our „second try“, but finally said something was missing in our relationship and he wants to end the marriage now.
He still wants to see me and stay in contact, because he values me as a person. I still love him a lot (we’ve been married for close on 10 years and he is the love of my life) and I don‘t want to give up on my marriage as yet. Iv‘e got that gut feeling that there is more for us in store as a couple in the future. And my gut instinct has always proven to be a pretty reliable source.
I believe my husband is confused and facing a midlife crisis. A lot has gone wrong in our marriage prior to the breakup over two years ago. After the final breakup last Friday, I kept NC, but he texted me yesterday that he wants to meet up. So far, I didn’t reply.
For about 5 days now, I‘ve been using PW on him at least once a day, sometimes twice or even three times. I feel that doing PW once early in the morning and once late at night seems to be the best solution for me. I‘ve cut the cords with Lanie‘s meditation a couple of times an plan on keeping doing it, whenever I feel the need to get results soon or start obsessing about him.
So here is my question: Is it best to do the PW visualization when you think you POI is asleep? I‘ve done some research and it seems many people advocate that remote influencing works best when your target is asleep. Because that would imply they are in theata mode and thus more receptive to our influence.
Any ideas regarding the timing of PW or BWD? Lanie, I didn‘t find any „timing“ suggestions in your books. So maybe you or someone else could clarify. By the way, having found your books and making a routine of PW/BWD has already calmed me down a lot. It kept me from desperate post-breakup activities that I would otherwise have untertaken. I haven‘t called, haven‘t pleaded or begged at all. I would be grateful for a reply. Thanks, keep up the good work!