I honestly think, men always say they can be your friend but the truth is, they have no interest in being your friend. IF they are your friend, it is because they have some form of interest. Either they're trying to work their way in as your new bf or they're trying to keep you around to soothe their heart ache until they can move on from you completely. That is why, I know he has feelings for you. This is really the best time to use the techniques because you can see first hand his reactions when it does hit him all at once. He is resisting but when his guard is down, then yep, all those strong feelings come rushing over him. As for my ex, when I told him I wanted nothing to do with him romantically and I would never get back to him. Guess what, He put his guard down thinking, oh she doesn't want me back. So when I do pw on him or bwd, he responds very very fast because there is no resistance there. There was only resistance form him when he thought I wanted something or there was expectations.
As of couple of days ago, we had a fall out and he told me to leave him, live and let live. I have mixed reaction to that. Hurt because of how he again asked me to leave him after all these couple of months of being in touch as friends. But there is some peace also I am feeling, because now i dont have to pretend to be his frriend. I dont have to laugh at his jokes just to make him feel I am cool. I had very bad couple of days, was really hurt but now i am picking myself again. I want to discipline myself and get onto Lanies methods. So Yea, since last time I told you, now we are back to no contact. So I wont be able to see wat PW is doing to him, but hoping for a miracle.
Don’t know what to expect moving forward. But I know for sure that I love him and desire to be with him as his wife.
Don't worry, no contact is even better! This makes him ache and yearn for you like crazy when you do pw and I also realize you have to do bwd too. Yep I did a few techniques recently where I did Bwd and pw right after and I am telling you, that really gets their attention. It is instant results even if he doesn't call you. How I know is, I broke down my ex resistance. He called me the same night or the very next morning, saying he misses me. We had a fight a few days before that and i acted like a jerk to him. Tonight he calls me and the crazy part is, I have not been doing pw or bwd on him for over a week. Im not trying hard at all and I am not even thinking about him like that. But I think the effects lingers for them. Tonight I felt him missing me and how I know that is, if you're doing something random and you suddenly miss the person, that's because he is missing you!!
Anyhow he calls me tonight and slipped up during our 4 hour convo and said along the lines that I was the love of his life. These are words I had him telling me, they're not even words he would ever say! Remember he never told me loved me ever ever ever during our relationship. He also told me he was dating a few girls and i asked for pics and text messages which he sent. And although the women were very attractive and also ready to sleep with him so fast and sexual messages... I was bothered by it, but at the same time, not threatened because I know if I really wanted him back completely, I can go back to pw and bwd. Trust me, I wouldn't tell you this to give you false hope, I can see from my experience. Even though I don't do it much at all, they will still feel that love for you. I mean we were on the phone 4 hours and he is trying to make me super jealous. Again, any of us girls including me, would have been so hurt and devastated if they seen another attractive woman or women that your man has moved on with, but although I did show signs of jealousy, I am not worried at all. If I can break a man like that down then I think you can surely get your man back. You have to start believing that when you talk to him, it is real and already happened when you're done.
Hello dear, your message brings me hope everytime. I am feeling so defeated and tired. I havent really done any technique with full discipline. When he was talking as friends, I was still sad to see him being so happy and okay with the fact that we are nothing more than friends. Now that we are NC, I still feel sad because everytime my phone pings, I run to see it it is his message.
So many thoughts of him being into someone keep scaring me. We have been in relationship since 2015 and every single minute I spent praying and dedicating my heart soul into this because him coming into my life was a miracle. It has been almost a year since he called it quits. For him we are past and he keeps saying that. He keeps saying move on, find someone; now that we are NC, my heart keep longing for him. I just want to be able to sit down and practice Lanie’s techniques but I also worry I might get too attached and desperate.
Thank you for being there and giving me that ray of hope. My parents wants me to start looking for someone else. I am 36 now and they are worried for how long I will wait. I have no answer for anyone. I am just very torn. I feel traumatized that he left me in this deep mess at age when in our culture girls are already settled.
I had fought with my family and convinced them that he was one for me and it took me a year to be able to talk to them.
I have fought so many battles for him and here he is so casual about the relationship we had and calls it a past now.
I am very torn today but I still pray for a miracle that he turns around and this time he comes only to marry me and no games.
I hope to gather myself up today and maybe start applying these techiques. My heart still yearns for him and I know that I have no energy and desire to be with anyone else but him. Was it too much to ask? God knows how much I begged and prayed.
Hi Believe
It is ok I am 35 so I definitely know how you feel! We dont want to hit 50 with no one. So I know how your parents feel and I have seen many friends of mine wasted 10 years of their lives chasing someone who cheated and hurted them. I can't tell them lanie's techniques because they are very closed minded.
What I can tell you is this. Don't let your parents and or too many people in your life know your pain and longing because their concern and stress for you actually attracts negative energy for you and him.
So last night my ex called me and although he told me that he really likes his one girl etc etc which she is very attractive but I decided I was going to do Lanie's LS on him. I did it today so let's see if we can see any movement but I felt really good doing it.
If you feel that your ex is the one, then dont feel threatened by any girl or anyone. Just put on your sad love ones and play it while you do pw or bwd. Those sappy love songs get me emotionally charged with missing him and thats what you need. When I miss him, I am able to use that emotion of missing and love, yearning and desire and I pretend that its him missing me and feeling those emotions and him telling me all the things I want to hear. Yes cry if you need to, release all that emotions as if they were his and youre feeling it. After wards you will feel really great. During the day when negativity creeps in, just remind yourself he is madly in love with you and dismiss any sad feeling, like just smile to yourself knowing he is thinking of you everytime you feel that missing or sadness. When you get too attached or desperate, use her CTC method and make up your mind that he is waiting for you but youre not accepting him any less than the man you desire him to be. My ex is confessing that I'm the love of his life yesterday, that is unbelievable news to me. Then he tells me, he doesnt feel that way anymore but I dont care what he says, I have convinced myself that he knows I am the love of his life.
Also during our relationship, I always felt that I was not good enough for him. Now I feel that he is chasing me somewhat even though he is holding back and doesn't text or call everyday. I NO LONGER call nor initiate any texts messages now. I let the lingering effects of pw do the work. If I feel like doing bwd/pw then I do it. I only do it when I get excited or lets just say, when I get horny.. I am sorry I dont want to say that, but thats the only time I get motivated now to do the bwd/pw but it works! also do EFT Brad Yates love magnet, It will clear away a lot of the insecurities and worries you have, Do it a lot until you feel peace, then do pw/bwd and really start believing he is madly in love with you because he is!! He really is.
I know this is long but one thing I forgot to mention. So my ex has never had a girl ever hurt him or break his heart. They pretty much made him happy all the time because they were really into him and so was I. I never made him unhappy until we broke up and I was super rude, cold, callous and just a plain jerk to him.
I think because he went through the pain of hurt, anger, sadness, loneliness over me, he actually wanted me more. So therefore use this no contact to let your ex feel the pain of not having you. While you do bwd /pw and let that gnaw at him and make his heart ache for you insanely while you live your life happily, knowing he is sitting there in no contact suffering over you. My ex told me this during our no contact and it was confirmation to know I didn't have to suffer the entire time when I let him go, yet still did pw etc and he was the one missing me and yearning for me.
Believe in you and your belief will form for you what you feel is true. Right now you feel that he doesnt love you so he won't. Start feeling that he wants you and is crazy for you and that's where lanies technqies help. Her methods dont change your reality, it changes your beliefs and once you accept that what you visualize is true, then and only then, you will have it come true. Do not have negativity and fear as those things will make all this work go even slower. Play a game with yourself and pretend he loves you, pretend the visualizaton pw was a new way of video chatting and that he really did say those things. ONce you have convinced yourself, you will be telling your success story too.
Last edited by intentions (4/07/2020 1:00 am)
Your messages give me the light and make me feel immensely peaceful knowing he is coming back to me. You have no idea but I look forward to ur messages so much these days because I know you understand my pain and also the desire to be with him. I also heard of Repelling Outside influence. Have you tried that by any chance. It seems people have used that to remove third parties and all.
I would love to hear from you the effect of Love Spell. From all the information that you so generously shared with me here are my takeaways:
1) I still feel very very empty on his thought especially as soon as I sit to do PW. Hence I am not able to continue coz I literally cannot feel my heartbeat. It feels so useless. But again I cannot say if I have really religiously applied ur tip of looking at his pic: Now with additional tip of adding a song that he had dedicated to me; I hope I can feel more alive when I sit down to do PW. Will add BWD as well
2) Brad Yates Love Magnet: I saw his video long back; but couldn’t extract anything useful
3) CTC to detach
Have you ever scripted and what sort of affirmations you used to say out loud. I keep on saying he loves me truly very very frequently throughout day. Do you have any phrase that really makes you feel instant connection with him. During PW, what do u make him tell you and do you repeat all that he tells u? Also Lanie tells to let the person go in the end. How do you do that? Do you call his name during the beginning of PW? I am not using guided meditation, I might start doing so that I can get more relaxed. I feel the part where he actually is sharing his feelings is shorter and when we are doing on our own we can make it as long as we want. The disadvantage i feel with not doing guided is the relaxation part. How do you generally relax and calm ur mind before doing PW.
Please do tell me how are things going with him especially when he told u about this other girl. Do you think you want to try RepellingOutside influence?
I am so thankful to have found you in this forum.
hi this is brilliant , I know it works and when I see others getting results I tell myself if others can so can I xx