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I absolutely LOVE this explanation for why it works only in the first person. I received a private message recently regarding being in the third person. This is the perfect answer! Thank you Oasiscalm and Universe! :-)
Let me check this one out.
Gorgeous Lucky Bitch,
Shana Jahsinta Walters.
Guessgal wrote:
Hi,i notice i can visualize better when my eyes is open.anyone have similar experience?
I do this as well. It's much clearer for me and I can still felt the emotion. I don't think it matters whether you do it ooen or closed.
I find I am really able to do this easily - imagining myself in that situation and I see everything - him, the surroundings, what he is doing/saying to me, hearing it all etc and what I am doing - just as if I was there in reality. And then it actually feels real now, as if we have had those experiences. I'm surprised I am so creative.
I've been visualizing for ages but it hardy ever manifested. It's only recently that I realized that I was doing it in 3. person.
'See yourself on a beach'...I literally saw myself from the outside on a beach -like a fly on the wall. By shifting to looking out of my own eyes I can feel the feeling on being on the beach. So happy that I found out the difference.
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