I'm not sure if you guys talk about vision boards a lot but I've heard about people using vision boards and I heard it has worked for people. I have a question about vision boards and this may seem strange to people. I used to talk to these two girls briefly in college. I'm still in college but anyway I haven't really seen and talk to them since. I was thinking of using the vision boards and of course Lanie's methods too to manifest a friendship with them. Can Lanie's methods work if I never had a past history with them at all?
I was also thinking of using pictures of them with their friends and putting them on a vision board and then, this is where it may seem odd, so tell me if it's a bad idea or good idea, I was thinking of photoshopping myself into the pictures of them and their friends. I want to manifest being friends with them so that's why I thought of that idea. So will that help manifest being friends with them and will that help to manifest them somehow reaching out to me?