Lanie Needs Your Input

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Posted by Sushi
3/12/2017 6:22 pm

How about a meditation to get someone who's lied about you to confess what they did ?

Posted by Manifestation Maven
3/12/2017 7:03 pm

I'm not sure if this has already been recommended but I was thinking about a meditation for maintaining focus on goals and generally what you want.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln 
Posted by Sushi
2/15/2018 3:16 pm

Does Lanie have a meditation simply for getting someone to call you? I'd totally purchase that one. 

Posted by eli-the-b0ss
2/18/2018 1:44 pm

a "rubbing out" technique meditation from you would be great! there are two versions: one to get rid of an annoying/unwanted person and one to get rid of a third party. Also the whispering technique!

Posted by echo
2/18/2018 10:41 pm

eli-the-b0ss wrote:

a "rubbing out" technique meditation from you would be great! there are two versions: one to get rid of an annoying/unwanted person and one to get rid of a third party. Also the whispering technique!

there are already meditations on this that were created by agnes vivarelli on her youtube channel i dont think its necessary or right for lanie to create new meditations for them and sell them. agnes has done great for the loa community.

Posted by StrawberryGoddess
2/18/2018 10:57 pm

How about a meditation to become better at manifesting.

If you don't know how to make a man happy with your clothes on you have failed as a woman..
Posted by Lanie Stevens
2/28/2018 11:20 am

hermeshorse wrote:

Lanie Stevens wrote:

I am going to do a quick version of PW and BWD because if you have 5-7 minutes that is enough once you get into the groove.  :- )  

This I have started doing myself with your MP3 by using the sleepx3 and skipping to about 6 minutes BUT I have the issue that my POI never wants to go! Once he's here he's happy to stay around... in fact he's still hanging around at rocket launch count down to reality and I'm still frantically waving him off! Ha ha ha...

I am so addicted to this meditations now OH MY WORD! It's pay day today and I'm just waiting to buy a couple more - I want the goddess and the spell one - oh I just want them all!

Actually - I have a request. I know that this is probably the request that no one wants but I have boobs that are heading rapidly towards the antarctic and I couldn't wear a bra for a while due to a health condition - do you have a meditation that could help firm and support the collagen so that they aren't quite such escapologists? Even if they reduce a size or two I'd be happy. I don't want to do surgery but something that helps tighten up skin I guess in general would be great?

What do you think?

Have you tried the two I have on my website?  I know one is for larger breasts but they both focus on firming the area.   :-)


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