Not sure if it will work on my situation.

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Posted by BuyMeTiffany's
10/29/2016 8:58 pm

It's not working. I haven't heard a peep and I just feel worse and worse. Can this make you feel worse?

Posted by Kevyrn
10/29/2016 10:26 pm

BuyMeTiffany's wrote:

It's not working. I haven't heard a peep and I just feel worse and worse. Can this make you feel worse?

Hi BuyMeTiffany's. I've read your story and I am sympathetic. However, to answer your question, no these techniques aren't supposed to make you feel worse. Only your own mindset makes you feel worse. If I'm being rude I'm sorry but I do have your best interest at heart when I say what I'm about to say. The reason why it's not working is because of you not the technique. Your state of mind is full of anxiety, frustration, fear and impatience. These things make manifesting so difficult. Add that to the fact that you do the technique for the sake of getting a specific result and getting down on yourself when it doesn't happen. Then tou start to believe that things aren't working. Actually the entire name of this thread shows your lack of faith in the process. Again I'm sorry and I love you but you need to buck up. You know what you need to do. Its all over the forums. In order to manifest, you must believe in the process, raise your positivity and vibration, and MOVE FORWARD. Don't sit around moping and being frustrated. Its self mutilating...manifestation suicide. You can have what you want honey. You can. Funny thing about the universal laws is that as long as you do the work, the laws WILL come to pass. There are no two ways about it. Smile, enjoy the little things, raise your vibe, do the technique out of a place of love and fun and not desperation and believe in what you're doing and trust that things have no choice but to work out if you do it right, no matter what you're going through. Easier said than done of course but you have to do it. Lots of love

Posted by BuyMeTiffany's
11/15/2016 10:14 pm

Hey everyone just thought I would come back. Nothing has happened. I haven't heard from him at all. I'm disappointed. I spoke to my friend a couple of days ago and she told me that its pretty much inviting evil into your life trying to manifest because it may come to you but you don't know if its coming from a bad source..Basically what she is saying is that just because you're manifesting something, that it doesn't mean its good for you. It got me pretty down..I just miss him and I don't know if he isn't contacting me because he doesn't care of if he is genuinely busy overseas. We specifically talked about staying in touch and he has just seemed to forget about me. I have never experienced anything like this truly hurts. thanks for reading. I needed to reach out to someone because I'm so sad. IDK I do the techniques and everything. I just don't know you guys. 

Posted by Beautiful_1
11/15/2016 10:34 pm

I always remember that god/universe has a plan for my life. He already knows my desires and what i will have in my life. Since the day i was born god knows everyday of my life. As hard as it maybe sometimes with thinking about timming, i know me and my girl will be back together and married in the future. Its just something i feel in my heart. I believe what is mean to be will be. LOA is a tool that helps you get through life alot easier. ( you still will have tough times) but with LOA and faith you will get through them...

Just remember everything will work out!


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