It does matter how often you do it.

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Posted by emmiline
1/10/2017 7:12 pm

The key is to do the technique with emotion in high vibration. I can lay off my target for weeks at a time and his emotions, actions and words to me will still be intense. Therefore from my experience this is the conclusion i have come to.

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.

Posted by Blue
1/10/2017 7:17 pm

emmiline wrote:

The key is to do the technique with emotion in high vibration. I can lay off my target for weeks at a time and his emotions, actions and words to me will still be intense. Therefore from my experience this is the conclusion i have come to.

Did you manifest your man back and did he stay?

Posted by emmiline
1/10/2017 7:25 pm

We are currenlty dating, he is not an ex.

All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.

Posted by Blue
1/10/2017 7:28 pm

emmiline wrote:

We are currenlty dating, he is not an ex.

Congrats The fact that some people only use the technique once and give up is what I was getting at and encouraging people not to give up.

While I agree that we shouldn't do the techniques if they become a chore, you can't expect to do something only once or a handful of times and have a miracle. Everyone is different and some people will reject those emotions as much as possible, hence why doing it more and with more intensity is good as well.

Posted by I am queen
1/12/2017 6:39 am

Blue wrote:

So I've been seeing a lot of "Does it matter how much I do PW/BWD?"

Short answer, yes. Long answer, still yes.

When you do these techniques, it connects your subconscious to theirs. Over time, the techniques get stronger and stronger. They ALWAYS work, no matter what. You will just see "slower" results in the beginning because it's like when you workout your body in real life.

So let's think of these techniques as workouts. When you workout, let's say you do it 2-3 times a week - you get results, maybe not as much as you would like. However let's say you work out once a day, your results will show up a little more faster because you're training more. The more you train, the better and stronger you get until it becomes second nature to you.

However, let's say you only work out once and then skip a couple weeks and then start again - it's like starting all over. Your body is sore, it takes some getting used to, etc.

These techniques are the same. Working out and PW/BWD are the same.

ALSO! Keep in mind, that it will take time to see results. It doesn't mean it isn't happening. You don't work out once and then wake up the next morning looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's a process!

But if you give up, all that work dwendles down and you're back to square one. So don't give up! EVERY time you do PW/BWD, it DOES work and it DOES reach your target! Just like when you work out, EVERY session makes your body closer to what you want!

So let's think of another thing...when you're done working out what do people usually drink? PROTEIN SHAKES! This ensures your muscles build correctly and stay and restore it.

So think of Neville's "imagination" technique and continued positive thinking as your protein shake! It will help make sure your techniques stay strong. But if you skip the protein shake guess what? It'll take longer for muscles to build. Same with PW/BWD - if you don't use positive thinking and stick with your imagination, your results will be delayed.

But after a workout, you don't want to drink soda and junk food. Because what does it do? Reverse what you did workout out! Just like after RS/BWD, you don't want to go back to negative thinking and  crying and pessimism because what does it do? Reverse all that work you did!
I hope this all makes sense and helps you guys.

Wow BLUE u truly are so freaking amazing with ur examples and motivation !  I had never thought of this like that but now that u say it,it does make a hell of a difference and guess what,u just changed my mind right this instant! I'm so gonna workout everyday now !! 😝😘

Last edited by I am queen (1/12/2017 6:40 am)

Posted by I am queen
1/12/2017 6:45 am

I would also like to add it again resonates with what one thinks is true for themselves I know of one friend of mine who did it a few times in one month and totally gave up and her man till date is a dog behind her and this week it's her wedding to him and this is almost a year ago she did it !! She did it a few times for a long time each session and then the results were very shocking considering how her man was very stubborn and rude !! Now he's a complete different person !  I know this cos she has concentration issues and has always been that way all her life !   😊 But I do like the idea of looking at it like a workout ! Thanks blue



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