I agree with Emmiline. I think some psychic readings do come true either because we stay in the same dominant vibration, or because we think that we are guaranteed that future, and so we become a vibrational match to it.
It's best to use your inner guidance system, as Abraham calls it. You always know how you feel about things. I find the most useful question to ask is "what do I think the possibility that my desire (money, an object, love etc...) is of coming to me?" If you are anywhere between neutral to a 10, it's making its way to you, but because of the resistance, it may take a while. For instance, if you score something as a 7 vs a 9, because your belief system and your expectation are more aligned with that desire at a 9, it should come easier, if that makes sense. If you are sitting at a 3, no it's not coming unless you shift your energy about that topic. It just means you need to do a little more work in shifting your beliefs about that topic in order for it to come to you...not that you will never be able to have it.
So, if you plan on using psychics or clairvoyants, take that at face value that they are merely reflecting back your dominant vibration on whatever the topic CURRENTLY. You can always shift. But, in reality, if you ask yourself honestly how you feel about a topic, you should be able to figure out where you are and where you're going, without needing an external source to tell you.
Last edited by DC (12/16/2016 10:40 pm)