Wow! What a great story Definitely needed to read this today. Today is exactly one year ago since my ex and I split up, so I was feeling kinda low. However, this story got my vibes up immediately. Thank you!
Sorry, I had a rather large work project to deal with. I'm back home now
You can totally ignore it. Really. See, the issue with the gal I told you about that came back after 10 years...well, I was in exactly the same place then that you are now. She all of a sudden was pregnant and was getting married. I was shattered. I was in a selfish place and wanted this girl to want me the way that I want her. That's just how it was. I make no apologies for it...I wanted what I wanted, and that was it.
Now, she wanted nothing to do with me. Nothing at all. So, I had a lot of hatred and anger for her. I hated her and wished misery on her for years. But, when things got amazing in my life, I just had an epiphany..."why am I angry at her?" She deserves to be happy, so I truly let all that hatred go and truly wished her well in my mind.
After that, she just appeared out of nowhere one day. She's divorced, worships the ground I walk on and is totally obsessed with me. I got EVERYTHING I WANTED. Why did it take 10 years? Well, because I started out obsessed about it all...then I hated her...the hatred grew worse, etc. That's the most likely reason. When I let all of that go and decided to close out that chapter, there she was...just like I wanted.
The reason I say this is because if you KNOW that you WILL get exactly what you want...why does it matter if they get married for a little while...or why does it matter what they do? If you knew they were coming back to love and be devoted only to you after this brief be it. Who cares what they do now. This is just an ego thing...your mind and ego are throwing a tantrum because you want it "now, now, now." Trust me, when you've shifted your priorities and you focus on making yourself happy...things will start to move for you. Time limits just limit you and cause you more stress. Trust me on this. He's only moving forward with someone because he's feeling this needy energy from you. Once you aren't pushing that on him anymore, he'll suddenly wonder about you, reach out, likely realize he doesn't like this woman as much as he thinks, remember all of the amazing things about you when you talk again...and boom, you have what you want.
Really, stop focusing on the things that are happening with him. If you truly love him, you'll wish him happiness. When you can TRULY do that, and focus on your own happiness for a little while..he'll feel it and come around again. I promise.
Thanks for bumping Dan's thread, limitless (grin)
All advice given is intended in the best interest of whomever I may be replying to & my opinions may not necessarily reflect those of the wider community on the forum.
Hi there! I just wanted to let everyone know that this stuff absolutely works. No doubts. I've repeatedly used LOA principles to shape my life since I was a kid. I guess I only really figured out what I was doing once I was exposed to Neville Goddard. ANYWAY, to the point of this post: DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF! What do I mean by that? Everyone I seem to talk to seems to have this belief that they need to attract this or that back quickly, or it will never happen. FALSE! There IS NOT TIME LIMIT! Stop believing that, please! It only stresses you out and makes it harder. Listen, I got my fiance back. All I did was decide that the bad things in our past didn't exist anymore...and I "put on" the person I wanted to be. The person that had the things I want. I've been getting those things since then...even her. Really.
Not only that, but I attracted back a woman who DESTROYED my heart 10 years ago. 10 years! Yes, I hated her guts and wished her nothing but misery. After things started rolling with m'lady...I decided it was absolutely stupid to hold onto that hate and anger. I forgave her, truly...and I wished her well. I briefly thought "it would be nice to catch up with her, though." Guess what? As soon as I let that all go and wished her well....friend request. The next week. Seriously! I shared it with some of you on the Viber chat. She's obsessed...OBSESSED with me right now.
Please, let go of limitations. There is no time limit. None. Let it go. Forgive them. Wish them well...focus on being that person that has your dreams already! Watch it happen.
I'm going to be out of communication for about a month, so I won't be able to reply back for a while. Please, trust me and just stop limiting yourself to time frames. Love you guys