Posted by January 2/05/2017 10:46 am | #1 |
I was explaining Lanie's technique to a friend last night and some of the reasons around my breakup, which includes my guy's best friends trying to push him out of his comfort zone so he can find happiness, them making things happen despite his misgivings, etc. She asked why I can't do PW on them, such as "Stop pushing him and this relationship with her. Look deep and see how unhappy he is." I'd never thought of that before and I don't recall it being discussed anywhere in the books.
Is this a bad idea?
Posted by Indigo 2/05/2017 1:00 pm | #2 |
January wrote:
I was explaining Lanie's technique to a friend last night and some of the reasons around my breakup, which includes my guy's best friends trying to push him out of his comfort zone so he can find happiness, them making things happen despite his misgivings, etc. She asked why I can't do PW on them, such as "Stop pushing him and this relationship with her. Look deep and see how unhappy he is." I'd never thought of that before and I don't recall it being discussed anywhere in the books.
Is this a bad idea?
You can do PW on the whole wide world if you want to (seriously). Me personally, I would focus on my guy,
not all his friends, his exes, but maybe his mama. I also wouldn't be telling my GFs I was doing PW mainly
because GFs have a tendency to blab. Last thing I need is my man thinking I'm trying to manipulate him.
But that's just me.
Posted by January 2/05/2017 1:48 pm | #3 |
You can do PW on the whole wide world if you want to (seriously). Me personally, I would focus on my guy,
not all his friends, his exes, but maybe his mama. I also wouldn't be telling my GFs I was doing PW mainly
because GFs have a tendency to blab. Last thing I need is my man thinking I'm trying to manipulate him.
But that's just me.
I totally get that. Most of my friends that I tell about how I am dealing with the breakup, I just say that I am working with Law of Attraction and visualizations to help me get to where I want in life. I've only shared the specifics with 3 people, who were interested in the book. Luckily, my guy and I have no connection except for the two of us. No mutual friends, different states, etc.
I have only done PW on my guy but I am working with visualizing him pushing his girlfriend away when thoughts of them pop into my mind as Lanie told me to do. Yesterday I used the rubbing out technique video that was posted on Veronica's board. That was aaaamazing! I don't know his mom well or his new best friend but for some reason my guy really listens to this this friend and I know is being heavily influenced by the friend, more than his mom. I've seen a picture of the friend and when my friend suggested sending a message to the friend, it was like a light bulb went off. Maybe I will visualize him pushing his friend's influence away instead of PW.
Last edited by January (2/05/2017 2:42 pm)