I'm sure this situation has been posted in this forum a lot of times before, but since I'm new, I haven't been able to read about it, so I need to ask you for advice, again, sorry if this has been covered already.
I've managed to attract him back, but he's going hot and cold. He lives in another country, so the only way we communicate is through messages, and what he's been sending messages, and as soon as I reply, he stops answering, to come back after weeks, and that's pissing me off, to be honest, because it seems that he just wants to make sure I'm there but doesn't want to talk.
What I want to know is: should I send him a message telling him that what he's doing is not nice or should I tell him through PW? When he messages again, should I say something or should I pretend nothing's happening? What would you do?
Thank you so much in advance!