Avaelle wrote:
It may be your wording that has confused me because it's a 2 week schedule, but you had written about it being 3 weeks. But, as long as you are following the schedule the best you can - I think you should be fine. But, don't be so stressed out over it.
Ah sorry Avaelle I meant 3 times the first week. I wasn't too bothered as I know what he's like for ignoring and answering messages but had a crappy start to the day at work and it's just spiralled from there. Been to the gym though and worked my wee bum off so feeling a bit better. I've also given myself a wee talking to and reminded myself of how amazing I am and he's a lucky guy to have me in his life, him mentioning still wanting to come to my country more than anything, his hey on valentine's day and that all my PW etc is reaching him 100%. I just need to chill and stop stressing, thank you