Posted by Lj 5/27/2017 8:09 am | #1 |
So, Today I found out that my POI and her bf are moving in together.
I've been PW, meditating, living from the end as good as I possibly can and been generally happy and doing positive affirmations.
And still the reality is made up by outside circomstances, even though all teachers say that my reality can only be made by my mind, and not outside circomstances.
How can I possibly keep the faith up, when everything I do, still turns out the wrong way and eveything I wish for, happens to her but with another man?
Please help with any input you have.
Posted by gini 5/28/2017 5:38 am | #2 |
Universe has its mysterious ways of working things out LJ.
I know it could be really difficult for you to imagine your POI with another man.. But have you ever thought that Her-moving-in-with-the-other-man could actually draw her closer to you ?? May be her moving in with another guy is the only way that she moves away from him mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
By living with him she will realise that this is not what her heart wants.. She will realise that he is not "The one " for her. All that you can do is give her unconditional love and pw or bwd.
Remember the guy she is with is not that important.. He is making your manifestation come true..
You have to respect the choices that she makes ( even if its about moving in with someone else ) because what you give out will magnify and come back to you.
Keep Faith and Stay happy all the time because you know that she's yours.. You can try Rubbing Out technique.
Posted by collie 5/28/2017 8:12 am | #3 |
Let me tell you something about my POI. He is married and I have wanted him for 5 years. Nearly 2 years ago he left his wife but went back to her after a month. They have been together ever since and even went on 3 vacations together..2 alone and 1 with the kids. The last vacation was a month ago.
In addition he took the day off and went to have lunch with his wife where she works. That was about 2 months ago. I am sure they have done many other things together.
Suddenly, 2 weeks ago he sends me a message that it is final..he is in the stages of finalizing the divorce. I was shocked. I told him but you just went away together.
Bottom line...continue believing and doing the work..everything is possible. I am doing the techniques and although i do have doubts still I work on changing them. I believe PW and LS work along with self love and visualisation and living from the end.
Posted by Lj 5/28/2017 3:33 pm | #4 |
It's funny. This morning I asked the universe to bring me a sign. Any sign at all, if I Should continue or give it all up.
And then I get your answers in here, and the first post I see when I open my IG Today says
"do you trust me, when my answer is wait? -God"
Thank you for your answers. I have never thought about it that way.
Posted by Joshbemine 6/23/2017 1:39 am | #5 |
Hey Collie I just read what you posted, haven't been on in a while. This gave me hope, my POI is about to go on holiday with the girl he is in a relationship with, as he put it a holiday to work on his relationship. That's alright I'll be working on him too hehe.
I try not to worry about it anymore but sometimes it still worry creeps in. A month ago he messaged me and we messaged for a while but it always ends up being a business proposal Conversation in the end which is a bit of a let down because I started to think is that all you think of me for but on the bright side he was on a date night with his lady that night he was messaging me so I guess I was on his mind. I just got to keep positive.
Posted by chelseagurl 6/23/2017 2:10 pm | #6 |
Hello thank you Collie for sharing your story, me too, I am in the same situation. I know deep down inside, my mind and my heart knows that my man is mine no matter what the circumstance is. Lj I know how you feel, I always keep telling myself that I will rise above the situation and continue with the technique and further improve myself and to keep my vibrations up.
I have learned so much in this journey, I learned to be patient, which I can use when we are together, I learned to be stronger, which I can use when we face challenge, and I become more confident and secure that I no longer cry and feel sad whenever I hear something about the other.
My situation is quite similar, he is my best friend, people thought we are together romantically, but then he met someone from a dating site. I was doomed, but I kept my head high and carried on with being friends with him because we work together. I swallowed my pride, I didn't care what other people say, I know that we are meant to be together and I've never been so sure in my life. This lead me to Lanie's techniques which I am so thankful that I have found it.
I meant no harm to anyone, so my visualisation is that he is with me, happier than ever. I don't include the other one so as not to give it strength. I used the technique I've read from Paul Mc Kenna to prevent jealousy, if you picture them together, just like a film, increase the lighting/saturation until you don't see them anymore, it worked for me. And the rubbing out technique from Agnes also works like magic.
In my visualisation, he also tells me that I am the only woman for him, I made him a better person, I go to the end result. So, whatever happens now doesn't matter because that will be the past.
I will surely share my story and I know that I will inspire a lot of women not to give up amd keep loving yourself, keep improving, rise above everything, and we will get the desires of our heart.