I'm by no means an expert. I began my LOA journey over 4th of July weekend, but I have been doing a lot of reading. Go look at some success stories. So many people have reconnected with exes that seemed impossible... distance... time.... new loves... etc. It really helps motivate you!
I also suggest not being the one to initiate contact. It's something I've heard over and over again. I've been doing manifistations by Agnes Viverelli on YouTube. She has one called the Whisper Technique and another for manifistating text messages. The text message one has you envisioning your ex pulling out his phone and typing you a message of your choice and then hitting send then you are in your own body, visualizing your phone beeping and you getting the text and how happy and giddy you feel.
I've been doing it less than a week now and I JUST had a text conversation with my ex (first time he has contacted me since Valentine's Day). So far I haven't seen the "I really miss you" text that I envisioned in my meditations, but it's a great start! Highly recommend those videos!
Oh and my ex left me for another girl, lives in another state, and we hadn't spoken since February (minus this text) so NOTHING is impossible for the Universe! Time, distance, other relationships, etc. show no value to the universe!