Posted by Lanie Stevens ![]() 1/22/2016 8:18 pm | #1 |
Hi Sisters! I get so many emails daily from my readers that I created this forum for you to share your experiences, successes and questions about my books. I write my books to empower women and I get emails from all over the world from women of all ages, races and income brackets (and men, too). I have actresses, an astronaut, housewives, single mothers, miserable married women, women who are in loveless name it and I have heard it. I answer every single email and it is time consuming but rewarding.
One of the reasons for this forum is that although I answer readers personally on my website I only help one person at a time. With a forum you can read the posts from readers, respond to them personally and read my responses. I don't claim to know everything about life or the opposite sex but what I do know will help you to manifest changes in your life. That I am certain of.
We are a powerful team of sisters although we may know each other yet. Let's help each other along the path of life and love so life is easier and more enjoyable for us all. Bless you my sisterhood.
Big Hugs,
Posted by SuzieS66 ![]() 1/22/2016 11:11 pm | #2 |
=12pxLanie thank you so much for starting a forum. I had such great success with Pussy Whip and Burn With Desire that it was unbelievable. I wrote to you on several occasions because it didn't seem like I was doing it right,t but with your encouragement and guidance I got my man back and he's better than before!! Should I keep using the technique since we are together and happy? Bless you for helping us out. My sister bought your book too and although she wasn't in a relationship she is now. All we can think of is that it was due to your law of attraction book. It was over 3 years before that and she had been alone. She is manifesting a proposal now. I will keep you updated on how that goes. LOL We love you!
Posted by Lanie Stevens ![]() 1/23/2016 12:00 am | #3 |
SuzieS66 wrote:
=12pxLanie thank you so much for starting a forum. I had such great success with Pussy Whip and Burn With Desire that it was unbelievable. I wrote to you on several occasions because it didn't seem like I was doing it right,t but with your encouragement and guidance I got my man back and he's better than before!!
Should I keep using the technique since we are together and happy? Bless you for helping us out. My sister bought your book too and although she wasn't in a relationship she is now. All we can think of is that it was due to your law of attraction book. It was over 3 years before that and she had been alone. She is manifesting a proposal now. I will keep you updated on how that goes. LOL We love you!
I appreciate you posting your experience! I'm so glad things worked out for you and your man. Do not stop using the technique when things are great! We all know how things can change when we get complacent. All it takes is 5 minutes a day to keep your relationship on the right track and improving daily. I can't wait for an update on your sister! News like this makes my day. xoxoxoxoxo
Posted by awesomesauce88 ![]() 1/23/2016 12:42 am | #4 |
hi! i have a question so i have been trying to use this to attract my guy back to me. We broke up 2 years ago and now are friends with benefits. I do not know what i was doing different last month but he was super romantic now not so much. I also obviously want to be his girlfriend. I want to be the only girll for him and someone he opens up to. i have been trying to do this technique everyday. 2 things. 1) when i am trying to do it my mind wanders and i keep wondering if i am doing it right so how do i fix that? 2) Also its like i cant get myself to calm down at first i am very anxious because i want results like right away how do i remedy that? also what happens if you skip one day I fell asleep... hard day. I want to better myself as a person too....
also i am trying to manifest more money...and better relationships with friends. I have been trying to manifest an invite to a cabin trip that is wednesday but i guess it is too late for that now? he is going to this and alot of make outs and stuff happen on these trips...and its for 5 days ... help!
Last edited by awesomesauce88 (1/23/2016 12:45 am)
Posted by Lanie Stevens ![]() 1/23/2016 1:22 am | #5 |
awesomesauce88 wrote:
hi! i have a question so i have been trying to use this to attract my guy back to me. We broke up 2 years ago and now are friends with benefits. I do not know what i was doing different last month but he was super romantic now not so much. I also obviously want to be his girlfriend. I want to be the only girll for him and someone he opens up to. i have been trying to do this technique everyday. 2 things. 1) when i am trying to do it my mind wanders and i keep wondering if i am doing it right so how do i fix that? 2) Also its like i cant get myself to calm down at first i am very anxious because i want results like right away how do i remedy that? also what happens if you skip one day I fell asleep... hard day. I want to better myself as a person too....
also i am trying to manifest more money...and better relationships with friends. I have been trying to manifest an invite to a cabin trip that is wednesday but i guess it is too late for that now? he is going to this and alot of make outs and stuff happen on these trips...and its for 5 days ... help!
When you first start manifesting you have no expectations so it seems to flow easier and effortlessly. Don't worry so much and fret over "right and wrong" because you cannot do it wrong. If your mind wanders just bring it back. Everyone's minds wander. It is human nature. Tensing up will bring you out of your peaceful place. If you begin to tense up just take a few deep breaths until you're relaxed again. Begin using the technique when you are calm and focused. You will train your mind and body to respond as you practice the technique. The more fear you have over losing someone the less control you have over the outcome. I understand that it is difficult to overcome but you must relax and KNOW that you are in control. I am in the process of finishing CDs and MP3s that are inexpensive and effective to help readers manifest. Wanting immediate results is natural but only when you let go of the pressure of that can you allow what you desire to manifest. Holding onto fear, doubts and desperation inhibits receiving what you desire. I hope this helps!
Big Hugs,
Posted by Shy ![]() 1/23/2016 2:13 am | #6 |
Hi Lanie
I'm glad to find a forum by you. Once I wrote to you regarding RS questions and it was really helpful for me. Thanks again. Though, I haven't any success yet to let you know but now my thoughts for him much pure than before. I feel more love for him than before and for few days I've been catching myself thinking about him with strong desire, it usually happens when I forget him and get busy in work then his thoughts come unexpectedly... It starts with a mild thought of him or his image pops up and gradually increases in strong desire. I've stopped doing sexual RS on him, instead this I focus on love as you suggested me through an email. What will you suggest in this case?
Posted by Lanie Stevens ![]() 1/23/2016 2:29 am | #7 |
Shy wrote:
Hi Lanie
I'm glad to find a forum by you. Once I wrote to you regarding RS questions and it was really helpful for me. Thanks again. Though, I haven't any success yet to let you know but now my thoughts for him much pure than before. I feel more love for him than before and for few days I've been catching myself thinking about him with strong desire, it usually happens when I forget him and get busy in work then his thoughts come unexpectedly... It starts with a mild thought of him or his image pops up and gradually increases in strong desire. I've stopped doing sexual RS on him, instead this I focus on love as you suggested me through an email. What will you suggest in this case?
I love the Remote Seduction technique and it really works to put lust and passion back into a relationship but it can burn out if that's all you're doing. Not because it isn't working but there needs to also be depth to be long-lasting. I would continue doing the technique but focus on opening your heart and emotions and allow that to be the driving force behind the manifesting. Sex will open the door for a relationship but as we know it requires some heartstrings to be attached before it is truly fulfilling. I'm glad my advice helped you! Keep up the meditation and manifesting because it helps in all areas of your life. Thank you for posting. Keep in touch. xoxoxoxo
Posted by Lanie Stevens ![]() 1/23/2016 2:53 am | #9 |
Shy wrote:
Thanks a lot
. I don't do sexual RS now. I am just focused on love and I hear him saying beautiful things to me.
That's perfect! Open your heart and send love and caring to him, he will feel it and reciprocate.
Posted by Anastasia24 ![]() 1/23/2016 4:40 am | #10 |
Hi Lanie!! I'm so glad that you made a forum!! (happy)
I have read your books and also emailed you, so thanks again! I have to admit that till now i haven't been dicipline with the method.. I did it for a few times back and then.. In my case, i'm interested in a guy that we weren't together.. But for months we were flirting and going out etc. but because of some issues we weren't together.( he started our "story" and insisted to be in contact for so long) Now he is in a new relationship, and we are in no contact for 5 months (of course since our last conversation, i didn't attempt to contact him again cause he chose to be with her) . Do you believe that the method will help me get results even now that he is probably in love with someone else? What to you suggest? (wink)