Posted by DCS82 ![]() 7/10/2016 10:43 am | #1 |
Hi there!
I just wanted to let everyone know that this stuff absolutely works. No doubts. I've repeatedly used LOA principles to shape my life since I was a kid. I guess I only really figured out what I was doing once I was exposed to Neville Goddard. ANYWAY, to the point of this post: DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF! What do I mean by that? Everyone I seem to talk to seems to have this belief that they need to attract this or that back quickly, or it will never happen. FALSE! There IS NOT TIME LIMIT! Stop believing that, please! It only stresses you out and makes it harder. Listen, I got my fiance back. All I did was decide that the bad things in our past didn't exist anymore...and I "put on" the person I wanted to be. The person that had the things I want. I've been getting those things since then...even her. Really.
Not only that, but I attracted back a woman who DESTROYED my heart 10 years ago. 10 years! Yes, I hated her guts and wished her nothing but misery. After things started rolling with m'lady...I decided it was absolutely stupid to hold onto that hate and anger. I forgave her, truly...and I wished her well. I briefly thought "it would be nice to catch up with her, though." Guess what? As soon as I let that all go and wished her well....friend request. The next week. Seriously! I shared it with some of you on the Viber chat. She's obsessed...OBSESSED with me right now.
Please, let go of limitations. There is no time limit. None. Let it go. Forgive them. Wish them well...focus on being that person that has your dreams already! Watch it happen.
I'm going to be out of communication for about a month, so I won't be able to reply back for a while. Please, trust me and just stop limiting yourself to time frames. Love you guys
Posted by emmiline ![]() 7/11/2016 12:05 am | #4 |
Dan, is this you?? i just posted here wondering if you'd ever show up again and here you are!
Thanks for this reminder!
Posted by Mcleanie77 ![]() 7/11/2016 11:31 am | #6 |
DCS82 wrote:
Hi there!
I just wanted to let everyone know that this stuff absolutely works. No doubts. I've repeatedly used LOA principles to shape my life since I was a kid. I guess I only really figured out what I was doing once I was exposed to Neville Goddard. ANYWAY, to the point of this post: DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF! What do I mean by that? Everyone I seem to talk to seems to have this belief that they need to attract this or that back quickly, or it will never happen. FALSE! There IS NOT TIME LIMIT! Stop believing that, please! It only stresses you out and makes it harder. Listen, I got my fiance back. All I did was decide that the bad things in our past didn't exist anymore...and I "put on" the person I wanted to be. The person that had the things I want. I've been getting those things since then...even her. Really.
Not only that, but I attracted back a woman who DESTROYED my heart 10 years ago. 10 years! Yes, I hated her guts and wished her nothing but misery. After things started rolling with m'lady...I decided it was absolutely stupid to hold onto that hate and anger. I forgave her, truly...and I wished her well. I briefly thought "it would be nice to catch up with her, though." Guess what? As soon as I let that all go and wished her well....friend request. The next week. Seriously! I shared it with some of you on the Viber chat. She's obsessed...OBSESSED with me right now.
Please, let go of limitations. There is no time limit. None. Let it go. Forgive them. Wish them well...focus on being that person that has your dreams already! Watch it happen.
I love love this!!! 😀
I'm going to be out of communication for about a month, so I won't be able to reply back for a while. Please, trust me and just stop limiting yourself to time frames. Love you guys
Posted by Mcleanie77 ![]() 7/11/2016 11:33 am | #7 |
Mcleanie77 wrote:
DCS82 wrote:
Hi there!
I just wanted to let everyone know that this stuff absolutely works. No doubts. I've repeatedly used LOA principles to shape my life since I was a kid. I guess I only really figured out what I was doing once I was exposed to Neville Goddard. ANYWAY, to the point of this post: DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF! What do I mean by that? Everyone I seem to talk to seems to have this belief that they need to attract this or that back quickly, or it will never happen. FALSE! There IS NOT TIME LIMIT! Stop believing that, please! It only stresses you out and makes it harder. Listen, I got my fiance back. All I did was decide that the bad things in our past didn't exist anymore...and I "put on" the person I wanted to be. The person that had the things I want. I've been getting those things since then...even her. Really.
Not only that, but I attracted back a woman who DESTROYED my heart 10 years ago. 10 years! Yes, I hated her guts and wished her nothing but misery. After things started rolling with m'lady...I decided it was absolutely stupid to hold onto that hate and anger. I forgave her, truly...and I wished her well. I briefly thought "it would be nice to catch up with her, though." Guess what? As soon as I let that all go and wished her well....friend request. The next week. Seriously! I shared it with some of you on the Viber chat. She's obsessed...OBSESSED with me right now.
Please, let go of limitations. There is no time limit. None. Let it go. Forgive them. Wish them well...focus on being that person that has your dreams already! Watch it happen.
I'm going to be out of communication for about a month, so I won't be able to reply back for a while. Please, trust me and just stop limiting yourself to time frames. Love you guys
This is awesome! Thank you!!😊
Posted by Lanie Stevens ![]() 7/11/2016 4:02 pm | #8 |
DCS82 wrote:
Hi there!
I just wanted to let everyone know that this stuff absolutely works. No doubts. I've repeatedly used LOA principles to shape my life since I was a kid. I guess I only really figured out what I was doing once I was exposed to Neville Goddard. ANYWAY, to the point of this post: DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF! What do I mean by that? Everyone I seem to talk to seems to have this belief that they need to attract this or that back quickly, or it will never happen. FALSE! There IS NOT TIME LIMIT! Stop believing that, please! It only stresses you out and makes it harder. Listen, I got my fiance back. All I did was decide that the bad things in our past didn't exist anymore...and I "put on" the person I wanted to be. The person that had the things I want. I've been getting those things since then...even her. Really.
Not only that, but I attracted back a woman who DESTROYED my heart 10 years ago. 10 years! Yes, I hated her guts and wished her nothing but misery. After things started rolling with m'lady...I decided it was absolutely stupid to hold onto that hate and anger. I forgave her, truly...and I wished her well. I briefly thought "it would be nice to catch up with her, though." Guess what? As soon as I let that all go and wished her well....friend request. The next week. Seriously! I shared it with some of you on the Viber chat. She's obsessed...OBSESSED with me right now.
Please, let go of limitations. There is no time limit. None. Let it go. Forgive them. Wish them well...focus on being that person that has your dreams already! Watch it happen.
I'm going to be out of communication for about a month, so I won't be able to reply back for a while. Please, trust me and just stop limiting yourself to time frames. Love you guys
Dan, I absolutely got chill bumps when I read your message! She's BACK!!!!!!! I can't tell you how happy that makes me. I know you won't get this message because you're obviously doing your "scientist" stuff but I am so damn happy for you I am smiling ear to ear. I can't wait for the details!
Thank you for letting others on the forum know that it works and to encourage them to not give up hope and be patient! You are a Godsend! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Posted by Mitz ![]() 7/11/2016 7:40 pm | #9 |
DCS82 wrote:
Hi there!
I just wanted to let everyone know that this stuff absolutely works. No doubts. I've repeatedly used LOA principles to shape my life since I was a kid. I guess I only really figured out what I was doing once I was exposed to Neville Goddard. ANYWAY, to the point of this post: DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF! What do I mean by that? Everyone I seem to talk to seems to have this belief that they need to attract this or that back quickly, or it will never happen. FALSE! There IS NOT TIME LIMIT! Stop believing that, please! It only stresses you out and makes it harder. Listen, I got my fiance back. All I did was decide that the bad things in our past didn't exist anymore...and I "put on" the person I wanted to be. The person that had the things I want. I've been getting those things since then...even her. Really.
Not only that, but I attracted back a woman who DESTROYED my heart 10 years ago. 10 years! Yes, I hated her guts and wished her nothing but misery. After things started rolling with m'lady...I decided it was absolutely stupid to hold onto that hate and anger. I forgave her, truly...and I wished her well. I briefly thought "it would be nice to catch up with her, though." Guess what? As soon as I let that all go and wished her well....friend request. The next week. Seriously! I shared it with some of you on the Viber chat. She's obsessed...OBSESSED with me right now.
Please, let go of limitations. There is no time limit. None. Let it go. Forgive them. Wish them well...focus on being that person that has your dreams already! Watch it happen.
I'm going to be out of communication for about a month, so I won't be able to reply back for a while. Please, trust me and just stop limiting yourself to time frames. Love you guys
Dan, congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!! I too had wondered and hoped that when we hadn't heard from you in awhile that it meant that you and your lady got back together. So so happy for you!! Your posts are always inspiring, thank you for sharing!!
Posted by Cheriesymone ![]() 7/11/2016 7:51 pm | #10 |
OMG I am tearing up. I am so excited and happy for you..I send you a big hug.
Ladies, Dan has been with us from day1. In the moments of doubt reread this.
Thank you Dan for sharing..those wedding photos are going to be dynamite.