There are a TON of questions I want to ask, my story to share. but I want to collect my thoughts before I start writing about any of that. Needless to say,the ex and I broke up...again. I have been reading a lot, trying to mend my heart. for some reason this last break up took an awful toll on my heart, my energy and ME!!
But then I found Lanie and her AMAZING techniques. My questions: I have had no contact for the past 4 days. when I say NC, I have not begged pleaded, texted emailed NOTHING. I accidentally sent an emoji NYE...purely innocent. he responded the next day with the same (kisses) and then nothing. I responded with a smile and left it. I have heard about blocking your ex on social media which helps with the recovery part. Any thoughts on this? I start to get very bad anxiety when I press the block button.
I love this man. he and i are destined to be together. he just has to get his head out of his ass before it is too