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General Discussion "For Women Only" » Can someone help me understand what I’m doing wrong. » 8/02/2018 12:09 pm

BelleFleur wrote:

Aliceinwonderland wrote:

For me PW AND BWD only started working when I let that person go. So typically when I had completely detached from the outcome and moved on with my life. I know it sounds counter-intuitive but perhaps try dating someone else. That's what I did and poof they magically came back EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Sadly by then I didnt want them anymore.

TBH I let my person go and I stopped being motivated to doing PW anymore...the only thing I still do is send love. But there's truth to this: once you let go, the energy shifts (and they feel it!) and they come back...

It can be so frustrating not to see results. I empathize and I can feel your frustration and sadness over the situation.   Maybe take a break (dont even send love) and see how you feel.

General Discussion "For Women Only" » Can someone help me understand what I’m doing wrong. » 8/02/2018 10:53 am

For me PW AND BWD only started working when I let that person go. So typically when I had completely detached from the outcome and moved on with my life. I know it sounds counter-intuitive but perhaps try dating someone else. That's what I did and poof they magically came back EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Sadly by then I didnt want them anymore.

Also. Try listening to this and see if it helps you detach

General Discussion "For Women Only" » Crystals trance states and nightmares after PW/star meditation » 7/27/2018 8:01 am

last night I decided to use a rose quartz crystal I had found while on the beach on vacation and placed it on my heart while doing the PE and star meditation. The connection was much stronger than normal and I almost felt like my entire body was vibrating and felt incredibly light.  During the star meditation which I did right after PW, I fell asleep but then woke up at the very end of the meditation. I don’t remember anything of the star meditation just that I was in a very deep trance ornpossibly asleep.

Later than evening when I fell back to sleep I had a very very vivid nightmare ? That my POI was in a relationship with another woman.  The woman he had been messing with behind my back while we were dating. I woke up in a panic at 3:30 AM

I have never had this happen before.  Does anyone have any idea what was happening there?

General Discussion "For Women Only" » How to Claim Your Man With Your Mind » 7/18/2018 10:06 am

So I’ve been using these meditations for about a week now alternating days.  I wanted to say how powerful I think they are.  Now I don’t know if this is a direct indication of these working  but the person I was seeing basically chose another woman over me.  Over the last few weeks he’s liked allllllll of her social media posts. Literally ALL of them.   Once I started these meditations however,  this abruptly stopped.  I’d like to take this as a positive indicator that these are working to block her out.   He hasn’t come back to me yet but I know it’s going to happen. 

Anyway just an update. These appear to either be working or he’s just been lazy and hasn’t even kn social media.  I’d like to think it’s the former though.

General Discussion "For Women Only" » How to Claim Your Man With Your Mind » 7/09/2018 8:19 pm

Glovergirl wrote:

They really do work in all circumstances. Lanie spoke about not being in contact with her guy for an entire year, she said she got many confirmations when they reunited that they had been working the whole time. 💕

Thank you for your reply!
I have PW meditation and All of the books.  I just haven’t tried these new meditation stuff yet and want to use them in the right circumstances.  So if he’s ghosted and I can use the claim him with my mind bundle meditations, I’m all for it.

Thank you again!

General Discussion "For Women Only" » How to Claim Your Man With Your Mind » 7/09/2018 6:34 pm

I think someone may have already asked this but do these meditations work on someone you aren’t currently speaking to aka someone I dated but he pulled away and never spoke to me again? And should these be paired with PW and BWD to keep him interested and get him to want you?

General Discussion "For Women Only" » Can you get a womanizer to change his ways? » 7/09/2018 12:01 pm

So after using lanies methods to attract someone,  I did.  I fell hard and fast.  You can refer to my other post about using LOA and lanies methods to attract someone new.

Anyway,  he was seemingly what I had been waiting for.  Sadly he turned out to be a womanizer.  Long story short,  while he was gaming me ,  talking about how he was ready to make me his future wife and go on vacations , baring his poor little hurt soul to me,  he was also chatting up a young stripper on Instagram.  (I found this out after the fact).  We just went on a vacation together and finally had sex.  Afterwards he texted often and everything seemed fine.  Then he disappeared for two weeks and I come to find he took this stripper on vacation! I was GUTTED.   We weren’t exclusive yet but still, it hurts to know he was doing this the entire time. I called him out on disappearing but learned only after about his stripper vacation so he doesn’t know I know.  He never apologized or acknowledged me calling him out so we havent spoken in awhile. And I presume this is over.  Obviously  This guy is a true womanizer to his core.  But he’s been in a couple long term relationships since I’ve known him (approx 4 years - as casual acquaintances).

I guess I’m wondering if ts possible to create the version of him you want.  Not sure why I’d even want him back -  I’ll have to check my self esteem and self worth and get back to you on that one.  Right now it’s more of a selfish reason,  just so I can get him hooked and then dump him Unceremoniously.  He gamer me now it’s time to game him.

Has anyone had luck changing a player/ womanizer into a decent human who can commit to one woman Or is this a lost cause?
Please don’t judge me for wanting to mess with his head a bit,  I’m still wounded.

General Discussion "For Women Only" » PW/LS/subs/LOA What is happening?! » 5/07/2018 12:30 pm

Ahh thank you!
This makes sense.  My gut was telling me that perhaps they were coming back because at one point, I wanted nothing more but for them to come back, but now years later Ive moved on and am free of the attachment. But since I am raising my vibration they are now manifesting.  I guess it also goes to show, that in order for something to manifest you have to just completely detach form the outcome. This is comforting to know that Im on the right path, but also showing me that I have to detach from the outcome of meeting someone new.  Lol Does Lanie happen to have an IDGAF about ever getting married meditation?

General Discussion "For Women Only" » PW/LS/subs/LOA What is happening?! » 5/06/2018 11:05 pm

Hi everyone,
I’m sure this has been answered somewhere on this forum but I was hoping to get some feedback on my situation.  Kind of long I apologize.

I was doing Lanies Love spell, and practicing LOA but also listening to a subliminal to draw in my soul mate.

My vibration has been up and down admittedly, but after a month of Subliminals and using Lanies methods I definitely  see some movement.  Specifically ALL of my exes are coming out of the woodwork.  Literally SIX men I’ve either dated briefly, had an actual relationship with, or have had some type of crush on over the last 6 years have come back. I haven’t spoken to most of these guys for years. I was looking for someone new and certainly not any of these guys!

My question is, is all of this common? I’m attracting all of my exes but only one new potential guy is in the mix, and he’s a friend of three years on social media (we’ve never met but will be in two weeks) that just confessed he had a crush on me, so I’m not putting much stock in that.

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