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Success Stories » My Update » 1/22/2018 3:40 pm

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WOOWWWWWWW! What a really nice update. Love hearing this

Manifesting Your Ex Back » This is works. EXACTLY THE WAY YOU WANT » 12/21/2017 3:53 pm

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Beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing

Success Stories » My Update » 12/19/2017 11:13 am

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I am so happy for you Av

Success Stories » It worked.,. but only when I truly let go » 12/18/2017 3:00 pm

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This is what I'd do too!!! LOL

Jag123 wrote:

I had lunch today with my two friends who have just had a little baby.  Normally, I would feel  feelings of insecurity, jealousy "will it ever happen for me" etc.  Then my mind would wander to him and I would go through a thought loop like this:

"Will I ever get him back?  He is the only one I could ever have seen myself having a family with.  It's never going to happen for me.  I am going to be like this for the rest of my life.  I wonder what he is doing?  I wonder if he's fallen in love with her?  How am I going to get him back?  I want to be in love like they are.  I can't imagine me ever being in this position with him, because he is gone.  Why couldn't he love me, what did I do wrong? Why her and not me.   I am going to try PW tonight and see if I can make it happen.  I might start the love spell again.  How on earth can I get him back!!" 

Literally that would be my thought process - and then repeat until bedtime.   I would be triggered by reality not looking the way I wanted it to, and feel jealous, insecure  or a loser.  I'd  go on a complete tangent of emotions which usually ended with me drinking a bottle of white wine and stalking him online.   When I found any  evidence, which usually wasn't much because I was blocked everywhere,  I'd then cry myself to sleep.   I wouldn't really want to be around certain friends who "had it all" and even though I smiled and made happy inside I was so jealous.  Then wonder why PW wasn't working lol!

Today has been another great success, because I have come away from that lunch feeling confident, secure, happy for my friends and feeling excited about the future - without attachment. Holding the baby was amazing, because I looked at her and thought, this is what I want. Now I actually have a recent experience to help me create it. Watching the love between my two friends was great for exactly the same reason.    That is a manifestation in itself,

Success Stories » It worked.,. but only when I truly let go » 12/17/2017 3:47 pm

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I really love what she said. Thank you for sharing.

unicornsnrainbows wrote:

I just saw this comment from 'happygirl97' on veronica's forum.  She is saying almost the same thing:

"Well here is my honest truth:
When there was a break up with the specific person I wanted 8 months ago, I started dating for fun.
I had a lot of free time ( it was the time between my a level and the start of my studies at university).
So I actually signed up at a dating app and distracted myself here and there. Nothing sexual, just talking and doing fun adventures with new guys. One of them, was really interesting and very slowly I started to fall for him and that is when I was letting go of the death grip to get my specific person. That was when he wanted me back.
It is not about dating other guys, it is about letting go of desperation and longing and the mental attitude " I ONLY WANT HIM". It is about feeling good about yourself, it is about freeing yourself.
you dont neccessarily have to date other guys you can also do other things that make you feel good.

But its true, I hear from a lot of people who dont believe in LOA, that their ex came back when they have moved on. yes, it happens because there is no desperation and longing anymore. Because when you are in the state of longing and desperation you will get MORE of the situations where you have to miss and long for your specific person, in other words he will stay away until you change your state.
If you are in " I am loved I feel WANTEDf" you are a vibrational match to attracting him back.
Hope that helps "

I hope she doesn't mind that I repost her comment here!


Manifesting Your Ex Back » 1 year apart, 1 year of prayers, more than 4 months of technique! » 10/30/2017 2:44 pm

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I really love the way you put this💞

Manifestation Maven wrote:

In my personal experience, it's been most effective when I've been most detached. So if you're doing this twice a day for months and months you're not only strengthening your persons feelings but their energetic connection to you. I know another member mentioned having great success only doing the technique twice a month or something. Right now, I'm doing it twice a week maximum but I may put aside a whole hour if I can and channel all of my energy,  focus and feelings into it and then the rest of the week I focus on me, self-love, cutting the cord and personal freedom and it's worked extremely well for me in the last 3-4 months. I really think it works this way, because when you're that connected to someone they can feel when you are holding very tightly and they may unintentionally take you for granted, but if you disconnect and keep your vibe high they'll feel it too and will be more intrigued/curious and attracted they'll also wonder if you have any other love options which may make them step up to the plate. Hope this helps!


Manifesting Your Ex Back » Does it take time to manifest? » 9/06/2017 6:29 am

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Piper wrote:

You have to remain in the "I don't care" stage. If you allow yourself to get upset and think about how you would normally get upset, then you will go backwards. Live your life and continue to do the techniques if you still desire to do so. Be happy and grateful. I know this is just generic advice, but it's the way to do it. I would also suggest that you don't over-do it - take a break if needed. I see a lot of people do pussy whip or other techniques all day long, and imho, it's too much and shows obsession. 

Things happen when YOU are ready, so if you have resistance, even if you don't think you do, then it won't manifest as quickly as you want it to. If you think you're stuck, you will be. You get what you are.

I really love this Piper!

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