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Success Stories » Got a message! » 12/12/2018 5:07 pm

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Now, this guy isn’t my SP, BUT I thought I would play a little game and try to receive a message from a particular person to fluff up my skills and faith.

This guy I got a message from is an ex and I haven’t heard from him in almost a year. The other day (two days ago!) I was on a hike and I stopped to create this image in my mind of him writing me on Facebook. When I finished I was like alright cool, now I just have to let it happen. This morning I was on that hike again and it just happened to flit across my mind.

On the hike I posted a video on my Instagram story and lo and behold, he just responded with a message. I threw my head back and laughed out loud. I had to share.

General Discussion "For Women Only" » Did I cause this? » 11/14/2018 7:33 pm

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My SP is on vacation at the moment and every time I do BWD, he logs onto his social media minutes afterward. It’s 2 am where he is right now and he’s the kind of guy who sleeps through the night like a log...

Am I causing this? Or is it just a coincidence?

Update: It happened again. Yet, I’d think if he were awoken in the middle of the night by thoughts of me, he would reach out? Am I right?

Questions & Answers » What can I do? Need encouragement » 7/27/2018 9:27 am

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Crap, I thought I was doing really well...

After 2 years of NC with my ex, I was feeling really good and decided to friend him on Facebook - he declined it.

The guy I’m interested in now (and have been doing BWD on every day) just informed me he has a girlfriend but that he appreciated all the flirting we did.

Yesterday was no fun for me, lol.

I think I’m completely giving up on the ex, even though I had a dream last night that I walked into a room and he was there. He called my name and when I turned around he had disappeared. In the dream my friend said, “now that he’s seen you he won’t be able to get you out of his head”

New guy... I still want him. I just don’t know how to proceed.

How would any of you go forward with these two? And if you decided to keep on with techniques, what would you imagine in your sessions to turn things around?


General Discussion "For Women Only" » Am I Missing Something? » 7/22/2018 10:27 am

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annabelle wrote:

Yes its weird.  I read one success story after another.  I've been reading LOA stuff for 15 years,  I meditate, relax, daily.  I keep myself busy otherwise....I even boinked another guy  I can get guys...great arms and abs.  Just not the ones I want.  Plus I've been visualizing a car and a house and an opportunity to move....nothing.  I'm spot on about some of the detailed.  I do not know how I'm going to get it, I just know I want it.  Some of it is easy to let go, so I don't even think about it a lot.  Just visualize and then I'm done.  Other stuff I  visualize almost daily.  I kinda get that daily might be a bit obsessive.  But really,.  One thing....just one intentional creation would rock my world  I'm not even getting a opportunity.


Haha, that’s pretty much exactly what I’m going through.
I guess I’ll keep trying, but it would be cool to be able to see something happen after I’ve felt it happen numerous times in my sessions.
Guuhhh. I’m gonna go balls to the wall here and see what happens.
I’ll update in 3 weeks, lol...

General Discussion "For Women Only" » Am I Missing Something? » 7/19/2018 10:18 am

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annabelle wrote:

Agreed....I tried it on a guy I know wants me!  Just to try to get him to text or call.  Nothing.  I believe in this least I think I do because I've heard so many amazing LOA stories, but I've never intentionally created anything.  I do create.  I accept that, but not intentionally.  

Similarly, I've done some of counseling and tapping with practitioners (when that didn't work either)....nothing seems to work for me....some huge block somewhere, but what is it?  If I can't get this guy who is head over heels to text me?  hmmmmm

It’s weird, right? Lol.

And it’s not about belief, because I kid you not, every ex boyfriend of mine has come back eventually. So I 100% expected my last ex to come back while trying the technique to have him say what I wanted him to. Nothing. He’s been MIA without a peep for 2 whole years.

But what is it? What are we doing differently?


General Discussion "For Women Only" » Am I Missing Something? » 7/06/2018 1:58 pm

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Piper wrote:

luvvthings wrote:

I’ve been using the PW technique for almost 2 years and it hasn’t worked once.
I used it on my ex when we were still together and after he left, I’ve used it on guys I was casually seeing, I’ve used it on guys I wanted to date and I never made any kind of progress or even a twitch of a sign that it was working. If anything, it actually seems to make things worse.
I’m not complaining here, I just want to understand why. Every time I started on someone new I’d have this renewed belief and excitement that it would work, but after months and months, nothing. Or worse, my guy would leave or stop talking to me for no apparent reason. I even used the MP3s because I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t saying or imagining the wrong thing... still nothing.
Is there something I’m missing? I believe I’m doing everything right :/

Everything is belief, so although you may say that you do, in fact believe it works, perhaps you actually don't. This seems to be a common issue. If it is done out of desperation, obsession, or lack (not saying you are any of those things), chances are it will either be slow to work or not at all. The purpose of ALL techniques is to get you to a state of believing, of impressing this desired reality upon your subconscious mind, so that it can out-picture in the "shadow world" or the world you see with your eyes. If it is not working the way you desire it to, I would look into your beliefs first, and then see if you have any sort of icky feelings towards the person you are working on, as this can override the sessions, unless they are stronger than the doubts or whatever opposite feelings may be happening. It works for me every time I use it, regardless of who I use it on. And going off of beliefs, since everyone is you pushed out, whatever beliefs you have about that person, whether it be "they won't come back," or "he is this/that," unless you are using your sessions to changed those things, they w

General Discussion "For Women Only" » Am I Missing Something? » 7/06/2018 9:07 am

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I’ve been using the PW technique for almost 2 years and it hasn’t worked once.
I used it on my ex when we were still together and after he left,  I’ve used it on guys I was casually seeing, I’ve used it on guys I wanted to date and I never made any kind of progress or even a twitch of a sign that it was working. If anything, it actually seems to make things worse.
I’m not complaining here, I just want to understand why. Every time I started on someone new I’d have this renewed belief and excitement that it would work, but after months and months, nothing. Or worse, my guy would leave or stop talking to me for no apparent reason. I even used the MP3s because I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t saying or imagining the wrong thing... still nothing.
Is there something I’m missing? I believe I’m doing everything right :/

Success Stories » It worked.,. but only when I truly let go » 12/12/2017 5:34 pm

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Thanks for that reply! I really need it right now...

I'm so happy for you and I hope that I will have the same success! I'll follow your advice 😍

Success Stories » It worked.,. but only when I truly let go » 12/09/2017 4:36 pm

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Wow, your post is really inspirational to me, mostly because I am in the exact same situation.
My ex left me for someone else almost a year ago and has not spoken to me since. 

Although I diligently used the technique, I was met with even more heartbreak and he basically pushed his relationship in my face on social media last month. Some people on this forum are telling me that sometimes it's just "by meant to be".... but I don't believe that.

When you let go, did you stop thinking of him altogether?

Questions & Answers » 9 months » 11/04/2017 12:21 pm

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I have been doing the technique on and off for around 9 months - since my guy and I broke up. Recently, some really devastating things happened; the death of a loved one, problems at work, moving to a new home while having the flu, breaking my thumb (this all happened within two weeks)  and one night when I went out for drinks with my coworkers, I friended him on social media with a "what the hell" attitude because I was already like, the universe wouldn't just slam me again! Stupid me... he immediately changed his profile picture to him and a girl and did not accept the request.

Of course I decided to investigate and this girl is his girlfriend; I'm assuming  the girl he left me for. My heart sank. And I was bombarded on her social media of pictures of her and him and his family. I hadn't checked his social media or spoken to him at all in the past 9 months, so this was a blow.

My first thought was, fine I give up. Even though I thought for sure that it was working, especially because the most insane signs were appearing to me telling me to keep going, he'll be back. Now, I don't know what to think of those signs, but I wanted to ask for insight from you all.

Should I give up? Let go?  Or should I try again? More intensely? Now that I know someone else is definitely still in the mix and I can use that to my advantage?

One thing I should mention, is that during this time, a different ex who left me 8 years ago basically tried to leave his wife for me. Even though I never used the technique on him - he even tried calling me around  20 times a day until he gave up because I wouldn't answer. What am I doing wrong?? Lol why is it hitting other people but not the one I want?

Thanks everyone!

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